My Youtube Playlist

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My Youtube playlist is just like the rest of my life; full of music.  I’ve never really been into web series, and aside from the occasional funny clip I see linked on Facebook or Twitter, the extent of my Youtube use is music.  I use Youtube to preview any song I might be thinking of buying, to discover new music and artists and different versions of songs I already love.  On my playlist I included some of my new favorites as well as some of my long time favorites, ranging from live performances to music videos to mashups.  I use Youtube probably about three or four times a week to listen to music.  When a new album comes out by an artist I like, I’ll go to Youtube and listen to the full versions of all the songs.  When I have friends over, we’ll search our favorite songs on Youtube as an easy way to give everyone a chance to pick songs from their favorite genre or artist.  I know that there is a lot more to discover on Youtube, but other than music, I’ve never been very interested in searching further.

Personally, I love Youtube.  You always hear those success stories about people who were “discovered” on Youtube.  Ellen Degeneres is known for finding cute kids with talent all over Youtube and bringing them onto her show, and I think that’s awesome.  Although I know there are many dangers with Youtube, such as children uploading videos without their parents permission, I think when it is used correctly it is a great site for everyone.  My younger cousins use Youtube to find help on video game levels that they’re struggling with.  I remember when I was younger we would have to go buy the game guide at the store if we couldn’t figure out a level.

I’m not entirely sure the definition of a Youtube channel, but I have an account through my g-mail and I enjoy having it.  It recommends things I may like, which is incredibly helpful when I’m trying to find new music or artists to listen to.  I can understand that some people might not want to be tracked in this way, but personally, I see it as a benefit.  Youtube finds songs or artists that are similar to the ones I already listen to and recommends new ones so I’m never at a loss for new music.

I don’t know much about the culture of Youtube.  I make it a point not to read comments on Youtube videos because I know the majority of them are trolling.  Other than that, I only vaguely know of some Youtube users that make money by creating celebrity gossip videos or make up tutorials, but other than that, I don’t really know the Youtube culture.  Overall, I think Youtube offers a lot of value to everyone, whether they be someone like me who just casually goes on to listen, someone like my cousins who use it for assistance, or a Youtube entrepreneur who uses it to become famous or make money, I think it’s overall more good than bad.


3 thoughts on “My Youtube Playlist

  1. jwsander

    Yeah, I’m the same way. Never felt too violated by the fact they gather information about what shows I like. Sure, it makes ads more focused, which is a little scary, but that’s not always bad. I mean, I like the video game commercials I get — they’re relevant to me!

    Also, I see you have some Billy Joel on there. GREAT taste! “Baby Grand” is one of my favorites. I’m just going to stop writing and watch it again….

  2. jdrooney

    I also think its pretty cool that a lot of people get “discovered” on YouTube. It seems to level the playing field a little.

  3. rmasters

    YouTube is a great way to discover music; while listening to personal favorites I’ll often be recommended similar songs. Sometimes I’ll rediscover a track which hadn’t been heard in years.


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