History in Youtube

I found Youtube when I was probably around twelve years old and mainly just used it to watch the funny videos my friends were talking about. One of them I put into my playlist which is “Harry Potter Puppet Pals.” For awhile I just used it for that, but as time went on my use for youtube changed. I started exploring it more, I started finding funny videos on my own, watching hilarious youtubers trying to make a name for themselves, exploring the vast world of music. For awhile I was hooked on youtubers, I followed a vast majority of them and would spend my spare time watching their videos and all the ridiculous stuff they did in them. This addiction only lasted half way through highschool however, and then I started getting on the “weird” part of youtube due to my friends sending me strange videos and then myself wanting to be able to weird my friends out with videos as they did to me.  That fad faded too, and when I got to college I mainly used Youtube as a source for music.

I basically still do this today. Occasionally I’ll watch something that’s not music- cute animal videos, a video related to something I’m interested in, or just a video that me and my friends will watch to reminisce about the good old days.  I think it is important to know my Youtube user history to help explain my experience with Youtube. It shows not only what type of Youtuber I am today but how it has changed as a site for me since I have started using it. I use Youtube almost everyday and I do not really realize it, because a lot of the time I’ll be on a different website that will have a video posted on it, but the site itself got the video from Youtube. I still do however knowingly use Youtube everyday. I have tons of playlists on my account that show all of my Youtube history over the years, how my interests have varied as the years passed. I don’t use Youtube to upload any videos myself, because I don’t make videos except for my own enjoyment or to just show family and friends. I don’t take any videos that I would want to make so public that I would feel necessary to post them to a public site.

I personally love Youtube, there is just so much to explore and there is millions of new things on it everyday. When I’m bored it is the perfect place for me to go, or if I just want some music as background noise while I do work I just throw on a playlist with my favorite songs on it and get to work. It is amazing of how many different things can be found exploring the site. The one thing that does upset me about Youtube is that it is such a publicly used domain that people sometimes put personal things or videos of their friends on it that may be embarassing, and the next day they blow up into viral videos that are only viral because the people watching it are laughing at the person. With such a large public site though this is bound to happen, but before Youtube viral videos did not seem to be such a big deal. Despite that, I do love Youtube as a site and it is part of my everyday life. The playlist I am putting up with this is mostly filled with the various music I use Youtube for, but the other videos are to display what I will occasionally use Youtube for, such as parodies, remixes, funny videos, personal interests, and reminiscing videos.

Mae’s Youtube Playlist

5 thoughts on “History in Youtube

  1. jwsander

    See, I started with Potter Puppet Pals as well, and I’m STILL in the weird part of YouTube haha. Good to know there’s a way out, though not sure if I want to get out…
    I agree that there is a lot of embarrassing stuff out there, too. Sometimes I wonder if the things I see really bother the people who are in them. With cyberbullying and all that, it’s a scary prospect…

  2. mksulliv

    I had completely forgotten about Puppet Pals! That was one of the first viral YouTube videos ever. This goes back to what someone else’s post says (I forget whose) about feeling left out when he/she wasn’t up on YouTube pop culture. Whenever Harry Potter Puppet Pals came out, it was the talk of the town. If you didn’t know the catchy tune (Ron, Ron, Ron, Ron WEEEAASLEY) then you were certainly left out. This just goes to show you how big of an impact YouTube has had on pop culture and society.

  3. nblackwo

    I remember Puppet Pals as well! Those were great, and one of the first Youtube trends I remember as well. I remember everyone posting it on Facebook for weeks after it became viral. I had totally forgotten about it until now.

  4. cparham

    The I believe I can fly sloth video just made my day. And yeah, I pretty much use youtube for the same purpose; music, funny videos, weirding my friends out.

  5. mzaritsky

    Oh Harry Potter puppet pals. One of the funny parts of YouTube is the fact that all these people, no matter where their from, can remember back to a video like that and talk about it.


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