Keyterms: Platform

Platforms fall into one of three categories. A “physical” platform can be a train station, airport, or highway. Basically it is a physical means of allowing people to connect in person.

A “technological” platform would include cell phones, landlines and the Internet. It is a medium through which people can connect without their actual presence being required.

Finally, a “media” platform comes in the form of radio, television, or newspapers. It provides for viewers/readers to consume content presented by advertisers, entertainment groups, etc. This can also include politicians, and the issues which they stand for or against. A politician’s “platform” is basically their campaign.

Amazon would be considered a technological platform because it is connecting sellers to buyers via the internet, whether it actually comes from Amazon’s inventory or if Amazon is acting as a middle man between private/public sellers seeking a means to showcase their wares. Amazon would also be considered a platform because it incorporates “planks”.

The specific “planks” being the service of selling items, the items themselves, and the consumers and vendors respectively. Not only this, but Amazon is connected to other platforms, such as Google, Facebook, and Apple. This is also part of the definition of a platform, is that it works with other platforms to connect its users in a more lucrative and engaging fashion. This creates exponential popularity.

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