Screaming Eagles – Podcast Terms

Podcast (podcasts3)- “a bridge between internet radio and traditional wireless radio”. “An extention or radio”. “A mid-term technology”. The future of radio is still evolving.


Medium (podcasts2)- “scholars have argued that radio is a deeply intimate medium”. “Listening often imparts a sense of emotion stronger than that imparted by looking.”
Both radio and podcasting have concepts in common despite their differences. For example, radio and podcasts use the idea of listening rather than seeing to convey their message. Also, both radio shows and certain podcasts have become available as downloads for easier access.

internet radio vs podcasting-single slike

Serial (podcasts3)- “Serial is something of a gateway drug, leading many of us to other podcast”. “It offers good insight to the future of podcasting”. Serial is popular enough to encourage newcomers to begin listening to podcasts but it has also been credited with showing more potential than others.


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