Author Archives: epeduto

The Lack of a Webtopia

When the internet was just beginning to experience wide use, it was heralded as a new ground for total inequality.  Surely without the actual body of the person speaking in front of listeners, ideas would be judged for their own value and not for any characteristics of their originators.  Words do not have race or gender or sexuality or religion, so it was briefly believed to be possible that an online community could function without regard to these things.  The obvious problem with this ideal is that people do not simply shuck off their cherished identities—or their prejudices—just because they have entered a new space.  The space may be neutral for a moment, but as soon as it is filled with people, those people will inevitably color it with their own selves.

Prejudices did not disappear.  People continued to be the same people they had always been, whether they expressed themselves with their voices or with their fingers on a keyboard.  No one made an effort to less obviously belong to any group in order that their words might be accepted at face value.  People continued to hate and discriminate against others for the groups to which they belonged.

As a response to the maintenance of offline power structures, many people approach the internet like the Pilgrims approached Massachusetts—they’re not really interested in equality or freedom of expression, they just want to be the group in power instead of the oppressed.  Likewise, they are frequently eager to try their hands at becoming the oppressors for a change, which they feel balances the universe of intolerance.  They replace slurs against minorities with slurs against majorities, and when anyone confronts them about their own hatred, they either take a firm “eye for an eye” stance or claim that without power in society, they cannot possibly cause real pain to other groups and therefore have the right to fire whatever shots they please.  The bullying incites even more scorn and hatred from the majority groups, who are then less inclined to respect the minority groups both online and off.  The imaginary webtopia is quickly poisoned, until absolutely no one is safe from attack.

I Do Not Liek Mudkips

When I first moved on to campus at UMass, I found that everyone else seemed to converse with the assumption that everyone understood certain references to the internet.  I had never heard of almost anything they mentioned.  I did not know why it was so important that everything be over nine thousand as opposed to simply ten thousand.  I had no idea why it made someone the most interesting man in the world just to drink a certain beer.  I wrote to my best friend from high school, begging her to educate me in the ways of the internet.  She replied with a crash course in the memes of the time, including a ten minute long YouTube edit of two pokemon repeatedly saying the word “mudkip.”  In an undeniable sign that I was new to this game, I thought I was supposed to watch all ten minutes, which I in fact did.

Searching for what I actually wanted to watch, rather than something I was told I needed to watch to understand pop culture, led to videos with more than one word in their dialogue.  Eventually I started finding media formerly only available as dispensed from the company that owned it, which often meant that it was not available at all.

For example, though Disney owns the Muppets and therefore the entire archives of the Muppet Show, they have stubbornly refused to release the fourth and fifth (perhaps the best) seasons of the Muppet Show on disc, nor do they currently broadcast them.  This means that they are not in any way profiting from their ownership of the Muppet Show, and presumably that there is no way to properly sate a Muppet addiction.  Muppet lovers found this to be an unacceptable condition, and turned to YouTube to rectify it.  Despite the fact that they have no source of income coming from these particular episodes, as they will not release them legally, Disney frequently demands that particular clips be taken down from the internet on principle of the matter—but fights ineffectively, choosing one segment at a time (episodes are almost always posted in multiple parts).  The communalism and common goals of people who wish to watch the Muppets make this a ridiculously losing battle for Disney—there are three different accounts run by separate people, all of which upload the same clips, so if any segment of an episode is ever missing from one account, it will be accessible from either of the other two until the user attacked by Disney can re-upload.

Yet as much as Disney and other copyright-holding corporations fight the promulgation of their work on free sites, it functions as advertisement for the things that can be legally purchased.  The ability to stream classic (superior) Muppet sketches increases interest in the mew Muppet movies of two years ago and next month.  Similarly the multitudes of people scrambling for any clip of the new movie Frozen that there is to be had are only increasing their appetite for when the full movie can be bought.  There has even been a resurgence of those unfortunate videos repeating a single word or phrase over and over again, though now it’s Kermit’s flailing “YAAAAY!!” or Princess Anna speaking the word “balls.”












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