Tag Archives: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is the concept that the defining character trait of humans, intelligence, could be simulated by a machine. We are all familiar with what it ‘looks like’ with all the sci-fi movies and tv shows. It can be a scary thing to think about an intelligent search engine online like Google. As far as intelligence goes the Google engine is the smartest phenomena to smack the internet and it’s users into submission. Recent advancements in the field of A.I. have allowed computer systems to converse and the most advanced systems even have facial recognition. Google is the cyber hegemon. Imagine what it could do with speech and interactive facial recognition? Frightening. Google compiles so much of our personal data under the guise of providing accurate and useful information. If Google could ‘speak’ would it answer questions like: Will humans be obsolete someday?; or -Am I beautiful? THINK ABOUT IT. A. I. is catching up. And as a biological species we physically cannot expand our intelligence as quickly as a computer can be upgraded. Luckily though, A.I. isn’t too too smart yet.


A.I. chat

