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YouTube Partner Program

Per the YouTube website, the YouTube Partner Program is described as a program that allows creators to monetize content on YouTube through a variety of ways including advertisements, paid subscriptions, and merchandise. In addition to joining the Partner Program, Creators can take advantage of the variety of resources, features, and programs that YouTube provides to help you build your channel(s) and your audience.

Basically, to make money off of YouTube, you have to be a part of this partner program.

Not just anyone can join, however. Criteria to be admitted to the partnership program is as follows:

“Your YouTube channel may be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program if it meets the following criteria:

  • The program has launched in your country.
  • Your account is in good standing and hasn’t previously been disabled for monetization.
  • You upload original, quality content that is advertiser-friendly.
  • Your video content complies with our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
  • You have reviewed our copyright education materials.”

There are also some stipulations regarding what kind of content one can post when using the program, as to avoid copyright issues. Examples are listed below:

  • Music (including cover songs, lyrics, and background music)
  • Graphics and pictures (including photographs and artwork)
  • Movie or TV visuals
  • Video game or software visuals
  • Live performances (including concerts, sporting events, and shows)

Additionally, through the article we read for class today entitled “How Much Money Do YouTube Stars Make?” we learned how much one can realistically make off a “YouTube career.” YouTube gives its content partners, that is those that participate in the program, 55% of the ad revenue that they bring in (while YouTube gets 45% of the profits.) The types of ads that are used to sponsor their videos are a factor in how much money they earn. Pre-roll ads (ads that lead into the beginning of the video) bring in an average of $5 for every 1,000 views. Banner ads bring in an estimate $.80 cents per 1,000 views. 1,000 views is a lot, so clearly to make money off this partnership, the user’s content must have to attract a huge number of viewers.

#YouTube #Media #NewMedia #Advertising

Websites used for information: