Tag Archives: stereotypes

Target Marketing

A target market is a group of customers which a business has decided to aim its marketing attempts and ultimately its merchandise (video games in this case). A well-defined and focused target market is the first and most important element to a marketing plan.

Marketers are beginning to notice that transgender, lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are wanting to have better representation within video games. As well as women and different races wanting inclusion in video games as there is a distinct lack of various identities as central video game characters. The idea of target marketing is the idea that a video game company appeals to its chosen target of the companies marketing campaigns.


A prevalent problem within the gaming community currently is the image of the stereotypical gamer, which is non-inclusive to other races and identities. The stereotype of the hardcore gamer compared to the casual gamer is an important difference, as while companies should be focusing on both, they focus only on the hardcore gamers. Thus isolating a huge crowd of people from their games.