…an endless note galloping longingly over imagination…

An exhibition of student works from the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts in South Hadley, MA
Organized and curated by PVPA Art Instructor, Petula Bloomfield
Tuesday, September 29 – Thursday, October 29
Central Gallery

Curator’s Statement: For the last six years, I have had the great pleasure and privilege to teach and work with an extraordinary group of young people from 7th to 12th grade at PVPA. During this time, I have watched students who claimed to have no creative ability or who lacked confidence, progress to find ways to express themselves with astonishing visual eloquence. It is a testament to the discovery of the rich and rewarding efforts of people working together with the creative process.

About the curator: Petula Bloomfield has been an exhibiting artist in galleries and museums since 1990. She has a Master of Science in Art from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from Clark University, Worcester. She has taught art classes and designed and presented workshops in schools and her studio since 1996. She has been an art instructor at the Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter School since 2003. Her work may be viewed at www.petulabloomfield.com

Free and open to the public

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