Artist’s Statement- Stephen Foley
Born in 1972, I was raised in Central New York State. I studied sculpture at Syracuse
University and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Fine Art degree in ceramics. I live in the small
town of Sunderland, Massachusetts, where I have my studio. My work is shown both
regionally and internationally.
My current body of work is diverse in experimentation and the weaving of traditional and
alternative techniques. In addition to traditional firings and surface treatments, I have
incorporated the use of epoxy clays and alternative coatings such as phosphorescent and
florescent pigments, graphite, and acrylics in my work. These materials provide me with the
ability to achieve a higher level of technical innovation without compromising the oneness,
fluidity and elegance in each sculpture.
September 14 – October 19
Hampden Gallery Incubator Project Space
Free and open to the public