Archive for December, 2007

PowerPoint for Reformation

December 10, 2007

The Reformation PP. Paul


December 5, 2007

Dear class, I have just checked the links in the powerpoint archive page (to the right under “pages”) and they seem to work. Udrive is having sporadic outages, however. AT

Test/take home 3 guide

December 5, 2007

Here is the test 3 guide as a word doc. If you were in class on Wed 12/5 you have this already. I’m also posting it below as well in case udrive is being obnoxious again. STUDY SHEET FOR HIST 100, TEST 3 For the last test you can either take the in-class option (which […]

Outline for 12/05

December 5, 2007

Here is the outline for 12/05. Remember, you are collecting your test 3 guides/ take home options in class today too. If you are going to take the in-class option and need to download the PPT outlines, make sure you do so ASAP because udrive (where they are archived) has suffered outages lately and you […]

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