We are excited to share with you the schedule of the satellite conferences and workshops that will be associated with the 2023 LSA Linguistics Summer Institute. Most of these events will take place in the Integrative Learning Center (ILC), but some will take place in the Campus Center. Here is a campus map to help you find your way.

First Weekend – June 24-25, 2023
How many Mothers? Multidominance in Syntax (Workshop)

Date: June 24-25th, 2023
Location: ILC S240

Organizers: Barbara Citko (University of Washington), Kyle Johnson (UMass Amherst)
PhonolEEGy 2 Conference

Dates: June 24-25th, 2023
Location: Campus Center 174-76

Organizers: Tobias Scheer (Université Côte d’Azur), Valerie Shafer (CUNY Graduate Center), Arild Hestvik (University of Delaware)

Registration is now OPEN!!! Register HERE.
Second Week
ALS-LSA Workshop: Complex/clustered predicates and argument structure in African languages

Date: June 28th 2023
Location: ILC N400

Organizers: Enoch Aboh (for the ALS board), Ana Arregui, Kyle Johnson and Eva Neu

Second Weekend – July 1-2, 2023
LatinX and the Socio-politics of Language (Workshop)

Date: July 1st, 2023
Location: ILC N400

Organizers: Meghan Armstrong-Abrami (UMass Amherst), María Biezma (UMass Amherst), Itxaso Rodríguez-Ordóñez (California State University Long Beach)
Third Weekend – July 8-9, 2023
The 30th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

Dates: July 7-8th, 2023
Location: Campus Center Room 162-75
Registration (deadline July 6).

Organizers: Gabriela Bîlbîie (University of Bucharest), Fabiola Henri (University at Buffalo)
What Sign Languages Teach us about Iconicity in Language (Workshop)

Date: July 8th, 2023
Location: ILC S240

Organizers: Naomi Caselli (Boston University), Kathryn Davidson (Harvard)
Experimental and Corpus-based Approaches to Ellipsis (Workshop)

Date: July 9th, 2023
Location: Campus Center Room 162-75

Organizers: Gabriela Bîlbîie (University of Bucharest), Joanna Nykiel (Stockholm University)
Bridging fieldwork, corpus, and experimental methods to study sociolectal variation (Workshop)

Dates: July 8-9th, 2023
Location:ILC S331

Organizers: Meghan Armstrong-Abrami, Lisa Green, Brendan O’Connor, Kristine Yu (UMass Amherst)
Conference on Scholarly Teaching and SoTL in Linguistics (CoSTaSiL)

Dates: July 8-9th, 2023
Location: ILC S311

Organizers: Kazuko Hiramatsu (University of Michigan-Flint), Michal Temkin Martinez (Boise State University)