Technology in Classroom

Three women smiling at each other in a computer lab like setting.

Technology can be incorporated into any teaching process by providing students with the tools to access and evaluate different online sources.

Technology provides a unique opportunity for both the repetition and complementary presentation of in-class material, allowing students to review slides online, watch old lectures, and electronically communicate with classmates (Davis, 2009). However, a class that uses technology to present difficult concepts must still include clear, straightforward explanations to accompany the technology.

It is important to not lose track of the fundamental principles or objectives of the course or let the technology become a distraction. Sometimes there seems to be a gap between the technology advances and successfully preparing students during their education to use the technology. We should emphasize on using technology to support building a personal connection with students, rather than replacing a personal connection. Teaching with technology is best when it is used as a mean of enhancing the learning experience but not to replace teachers in the classroom. Although, It can help supports the teacher in filling gaps as they emerge.

Using digital media in the classroom allows for different options and since all students have different learning style, it can be used to engage students and to address different learning styles. For example: writing a reflection paper , people who struggle with writing it in words can be offered to design images or slides or even record their own audio and share. I’m a big fan of Arcs Model of Motivation and I think, students attention could be obtained by perceptual or by inquiry arousal. Once the students are interested in topic, they are motivated to find out more about it.


Davis, B. G. (2009). Tools for teaching (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: John Wiley & Sons.