Tag Archives: brain-machine interface


Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived

You may remember neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis — he built the brain-controlled exoskeleton that allowed a paralyzed man to kick the first ball of the 2014 World Cup. What’s he working on now? Building ways for two minds (rats and monkeys, for now) to send messages brain to brain. Watch to the end for an experiment that, as he says, will go to “the limit of your imagination.”

Miguel Nicolelis: Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it | Talk Video | TED.com.

News Video

Monkeys Steer Wheelchairs With Their Brains

nationalgeographic-1763757_86078_990x742A rhesus macaque walks with the aid of a pneumatically powered exoskeleton controlled by a computer reading signals from electrodes implanted in the monkey’s motor cortex. Miguel Nicolelis and colleagues at Duke University are developing similar devices that could allow paralyzed humans to walk again.

Monkeys Steer Wheelchairs With Their Brains, Raising Hope for Paralyzed People.


Brain-Machine Interfaces

Maryam Shanechi and her team at USC work on control systems, neuroscience and signal processing to develop brain machine interfaces. These interfaces are being used to help patients with neuropsychiatric disorders, aid in anesthesia administration, and contribute to the prosthetic limb development.

via Solve For X.


The Future of Brain Implants

Brain implants today are where laser eye surgery was several decades ago. They are not risk-free and make sense only for a narrowly defined set of patients—but they are a sign of things to come.

via WSJ.


US regulators move on thought-controlled prosthetics

neuroprostheticRobotic limb advances are attracting serious attention from the FDA.

via Nature News & Comment.

News Video

Paraplegic kicks off World Cup in exo-skeleton

kickoffA paraplegic man has made the first kick of the 2014 World Cup using a mind-controlled robotic exoskeleton. Juliano Pinto, a 29-year-old with complete paralysis of the lower trunk, performed the symbolic kick-off at the Corinthians Arena in Sao Paulo.

Watch video: Multimedia Gallery – US National Science Foundation (NSF).

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