Tag Archives: exoskeleton


Exoskeleton boots improve on evolution

Unpowered mechanical design lowers the energetic costs of walking.

via Nature News & Comment.

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Monkeys Steer Wheelchairs With Their Brains

nationalgeographic-1763757_86078_990x742A rhesus macaque walks with the aid of a pneumatically powered exoskeleton controlled by a computer reading signals from electrodes implanted in the monkey’s motor cortex. Miguel Nicolelis and colleagues at Duke University are developing similar devices that could allow paralyzed humans to walk again.

Monkeys Steer Wheelchairs With Their Brains, Raising Hope for Paralyzed People.

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First Look At A Darpa-Funded Exoskeleton For Super Soldiers

w3v9zfhbv4psriph9mgyAn Iron Man-like solider suit is in development in Ekso Bionic’s workshop. Forbes’s Bruce Upbin gets the first look at what Ekso is building as part of the government’s Warrior Web project and tries out the experimental wearable robot for himself.

via Enter the Age of Human Augmentation – Forbes.

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Paraplegic kicks off World Cup in exo-skeleton

kickoffA paraplegic man has made the first kick of the 2014 World Cup using a mind-controlled robotic exoskeleton. Juliano Pinto, a 29-year-old with complete paralysis of the lower trunk, performed the symbolic kick-off at the Corinthians Arena in Sao Paulo.

Watch video: Multimedia Gallery – US National Science Foundation (NSF).

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