Category Archives: GAMM

Chapter 13 GLMM and GAMM

Hi class,

Here is my modified script for Chapter 13 – Chapter13_jtf.r

Can’t quite get to everything we might want to do.  Here is a paper that talks about GLMMs: Bolker et al. 2009 .  It goes into some detail about how each pacakge (or program) solves the problem.  Apparently, there is real difficulty in solving GLMMs and GAMMs.  The difficulty seems to be that the solution to the fixed effects have to be integrated over the random effects.  This is not exact, but there are various approximations.  PQL (penalized quasi-likelihood) is worst, LaPlace Approximation is better, etc.

Also, look at this link (, which lists the various commands and what you can do with them.  For example, it looks like glmmPQL is the only command that can do correlation structures.

Have fun!
