Several faculty from the College of Nursing were recognized last week at the 2017 UMass Amherst Faculty Honors Dinner.

Stephanie Griggs received both a College Outstanding Teacher Award for her teaching accomplishments, and a Fellowship for Innovative Teaching from the Center for Teaching and Faculty Development. Raeann Leblanc was the recipient of a Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity and Equity Ambassadors Fellowship, a competitive award program that recognizes the vital role faculty fulfill in creating an inclusive and equitable college experience for all students. The Institute for Teaching and Faculty Development awarded Mary Paterno a Mutual Mentoring Grant, designed to encourage faculty to develop robust professional networks that support their growth as researchers, teachers, and leaders in their field. Dr. Paterno’s Faculty Research Grant was also acknowledged, for her project “Feasibility of a Nurse Led Digital Storytelling Workshop Intervention for Rural Pregnant Women with Substance Abuse Disorder”, as was Kalpana Poudel-Tandukar’s Grant for her project “Identifying Socio-Cultural Barriers to Seeking Mental Heath Services among Bhutanese Refugees in Springfield, Massachusetts”. Finally, Rachel Walker was recognized for her Career Catalyst Research Award from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.