Making Research Matter: Sharing Insights on Public Engagement

Friday, February 2nd, 11:30pm to 1:00pm – Hadley Room, Campus Center, Lunch will be served.

The Public Engagement Project at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is celebrating the recently released book, Making Research Matter: A Psychologist’s Guide to Public Engagement (Linda Tropp, Editor), with a panel and open discussion on how to engage effectively with diverse public audiences. Including book contributors from on- and off-campus and UMass faculty from the Public Engagement Project, this panel will highlight the many ways academics can become engaged scholars and share insights about effective strategies for engaging diverse audiences across a range of social issues, public domains, and institutional contexts.

College of Nursing 2018 Spring Seminar Series: “Public Health Approaches to Address the Opioid Epidemic”

Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Evans
Date: January 30, 2018
Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Location: Skinner Hall, Room 101

The College of Nursing’s Spring Seminar Series opens with Dr. Elizabeth Evans, assistant professor in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences, speaking on “Public Health Approaches to Address the Opioid Epidemic.”

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Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science: 2018 State of the Science Congress

Call for Abstracts

The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science is now accepting research abstracts for its 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research –  Precision Health

Conference Dates and Location
September 13-15, 2018:  Hyatt Regency Washington, DC

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National Institute of Nursing Research: #PalliativeTexts

NINR and the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus® are teaming up to offer a text message campaign for those living with serious illnesses and their families.

To kick-off the campaign, NINR and MedlinePlus® will host a Twitter chat on January 18, 2018 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm ET. The chat is intended to encourage providers, organizations, and advocates to promote the campaign and to get patients and families to sign up. To join the conversation, use #PalliativeTexts.

The Armstrong Fund for Science: Call for Applications

This is to announce the opening of the Armstrong Fund for Science Grant competition for 2018. The Armstrong Fund is a prestigious internal competition for seed funding to encourage bold new ideas in science and engineering research in UMA priority research areas. The fund is made possible by UMA supporters John and Elizabeth Armstrong, whose ideas also provide the vision for the award.  The selection of the recipients is made by the STEM deans and their delegates.

Funding is available for up to $40,000 total over two years (or $20,000 for one year).

Submissions require a short, three-page proposal, budget, and CVs.  Please visit the Armstrong Fund for Science website for the RFP, application forms, and instructions. The RFP is also attached to this email.

The grant application process is as follows:

  • Submission deadline: Proposals are due by 5 pm on February 1, 2018
  • Awards announced: By March 20, 2018
  • Funds disbursed: July or August, 2018

Everyone doing STEM research is eligible.  Junior faculty are encouraged to apply, and in fact, have been the most frequent recipients of the award. The award is also open to senior faculty, provided they are pursuing a direction that represents a significant change in focus for their research (and their application should explain in what way it is a departure for them). Team proposals are encouraged and potential for industry engagement is desirable. The list of prior awardees is on the Armstrong Fund for Science website.

Contact Mary Green with any questions about the fund and the application process at or 545-8641.

Donaghue Foundation Invites LOIs for Projects to Improve Senior Health in Care Facilities

The Patrick and Catherine Weldon Donaghue Medical Research Foundation is accepting Letters of Intent from researchers for projects with the potential to improve the quality of care/quality of life for the elderly in nursing homes or other care facilities.

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UManage Center Call for Letters of Intent – 2018-19 Pilot Project Grant

The UManage Center for the Science of Symptom Self-Management in the College of Nursing is now accepting letters of intent for one award for its 2018-19 Pilot Project Grant Program.

E-mail Notice of Intent to Apply:  January 12, 2018 

Letter/E-mail of Intent (LOI) Deadline (2 pages max): January 17, 2018

Questions should be directed to Annette Wysocki, PhD, RN, FAAN, Pilot Project Core Director, UManage Center: or Ian Cooke: or Cynthia Jacelon, PhD, RN-BC, CRRN, FGSA, FAAN: Principal Investigator, UManage Center: UMass Center for Building the Science of Symptom Self-Management (NIH/NINR 1P20NR016599):

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