The UManage Center for the Science of Symptom Self-Management in the College of Nursing is now accepting letters of intent for one award for its 2018-19 Pilot Project Grant Program.
E-mail Notice of Intent to Apply: January 12, 2018
Letter/E-mail of Intent (LOI) Deadline (2 pages max): January 17, 2018
Questions should be directed to Annette Wysocki, PhD, RN, FAAN, Pilot Project Core Director, UManage Center: or Ian Cooke: or Cynthia Jacelon, PhD, RN-BC, CRRN, FGSA, FAAN: Principal Investigator, UManage Center: UMass Center for Building the Science of Symptom Self-Management (NIH/NINR 1P20NR016599):
The purpose of the UManage Center Pilot Research grant program is to provide funding for pilot research projects that address the self-management of sleep or fatigue related to wellness, health, acute or chronic conditions using handheld or wearable sensors and/or other advanced technologies. Pilot projects support studies on the self-management of fatigue and sleep in persons of all age groups with chronic and acute disorders or multiple chronic conditions.
UManage Pilot Research grants enable nurse-led faculty teams to generate data to support a subsequent NIH grant application. Submission of a NIH grant proposal is a requirement of a UManage Pilot Project grant award. Individuals awarded UManage Center grants will be recognized as UManage Center Research Fellows.
Grant applications that focus on any area of science related to the self-management of sleep and/or fatigue to improve human health are invited. Two pilot awards will be made for 2018-19. For more information, please download the attached Request for Applications (RFA) and adhere to all guidelines and eligibility requirements.
Please send an E-mail by January 12, 2018 notifying us (Annette Wysocki, Ian Cooke and Cynthia Jacelon) of your intent to submit a formal Letter of Intent (LOI) by January 17, 2018 limited to no more than 2 pages. Please outline your topic area/project; brief overview of team members (Example: nurse faculty; engineer; computer scientist; etc..) Prior to submission please review the NIH grant requirements and scoring criteria.
– Provides $50,000 for each one-year pilot study
– One new grant will be awarded in response to this RFP
– Principal Investigator must be a nurse leading a team (tenure, tenure-track, or clinical track faculty with a doctorate are eligible)
– One or more team members must be from another department, school, college outside the College of Nursing (College of Engineering; College of Information and Computer Science; School of Public Health and Health Sciences; College of Natural Sciences; College of Social and Behavioral Sciences; College of Humanities and Fine Arts; Isenberg) additional team members can include other nursing faculty or doctoral students