Call for Abstracts

The Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science is now accepting research abstracts for its 2018 State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research – Precision Health
Conference Dates and Location
September 13-15, 2018: Hyatt Regency Washington, DC
Conference Purpose
The theme for the conference is Precision Health. Precision Health is an emerging science. Nurse scientists study physiological, psychological, environmental, and ethical factors that may now or in the future contribute to precision health. Learners will be able to fine tune their own research studies to healthcare incorporating precision health approaches and concepts. Conference attendees are invited to submit abstracts for studies that include big data, bioinformatics, predictive modeling, data sharing, biorepositories, common data elements, genomics, pharmacogenomics, metabolomics, microbiome, mobile health, symptom management, ethical issues and other topics that may be relevant to precision health.
General Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
Abstracts will be selected that best exemplify the state of nursing science in the particular area. Only abstracts derived from completed research will be accepted. Abstracts should clearly specify how the work contributes to the current state of nursing science. Areas of special interest reflect the conference theme: Precision Health. Authors may submit multiple abstracts. Top-scoring abstracts will be acknowledged at the conference and authors may be invited to submit a full-length manuscript for peer review by Nursing Outlook.
The abstract submission website will be open January 15, 2018 at:
You may edit your abstract through
Sunday, March 11, 2018. After March 11, 2018 at 11:59 pm ET, your abstract is considered final and will be reviewed based on the content provided.
The cost for submitting abstracts for peer review is $75. There is no additional presentation fee if your abstract is accepted. You will be expected to pay the conference registration fee before August 24, 2018. Information regarding the conference, including the conference registration fees, will be available on the Council website in the coming months.
Abstracts will be selected as either podium or poster presentations. Podium presenters will have approximately 15 minutes for presentation (may vary depending on session). Posters will be displayed as paper posters at a scheduled time during the conference, during which time you will be able to present your poster and engage in discussion and Q&A with attendees.Your Abstract Should Include the Following Components (underlined):
Title: A brief statement of the nature of the investigation or purpose of the project.
Authors: All authors and affiliations.
Aims: The overall purpose, research question, or study hypothesis.
Methods: The study or project design and methods (sample, procedures, measures, and/or data analysis). Please note that the study can use qualitative or quantitative methods.
Results: The study or project findings or products.
Conclusions: The overall impact of findings and relevance to nursing, healthcare, or health policy.
The body of the abstract (aims through conclusions) is limited to 250 words in total. As part of the online submission process, presenters will be asked to select the content area(s) that best reflect their submission. Authors will also be asked to indicate their presentation preference (podium, poster, or either).
Would You Like to Propose a Symposium?
If you would like to propose a symposium, one person from the group will serve as the lead. When beginning the online submission, please select the “Symposia” option from the drop-down box, and then follow the instructions for submitting individual abstracts within the symposium.
General Guidelines for Symposium Proposals
- The State of the Science Conference will accept symposium proposals during this same time period (January 15, 2018 – March 11, 2018).
- To be considered, the symposium proposal must include between 4 and 6 abstracts on a similar topic.
- The lead for the symposium will submit an overview for the submission.
- The lead will enter in members of the group, who will then submit their own abstracts and payments following instructions and a task list from the submission site.
- If the proposed symposium is not accepted, then each of the research-based abstracts will automatically be considered for individual presentation.
Review and Selection
The 2018 Abstract Review Committee will determine the final selection of abstracts based on scores and recommendations from peer reviewers.
The online abstract submission process ends at 11:59 PM (EST) on March 11, 2018. The review process will begin in late March and announcements are scheduled to take place in April.
For More Information
If you should have technical questions when entering your submission, please contact our abstract management company at:
Hours of support 9 am – 6 pm EST Monday through Friday
Or email:
For content questions, or questions related to the call, please contact the manager of the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science:
Rachael James