College of Nursing 2018 Spring Seminar Series: “Preventing patient harm through nurse decision making and patient engagement”

Presenter: Dr. Patricia Gazarian
Date: March 6, 2018
Time: 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
Location: Skinner Hall, Room 101

The fourth talk in the College of Nursing’s Spring Seminar Series will be presented by Dr. Patricia Gazarian, Associate Professor in the Department of Nursing at the University of Massachusetts Boston and an alumni of our PhD program.

Dr. Gazarian’s program of research is focused on preventable patient harms, specifically the role of patient engagement and nurse decision making.  She is also interested in how the patient experiences dignity and respect during hospitalization, including loss of dignity and respect as a preventable harm. She is an expert in the use of cognitive task analysis and the critical decision method as ways to understand the cognitive requirements of clinical work and has used these methods to understand deterioration among hospitalized patients.

Her population of interest is adults and elders in acute and critical care environments.

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