The National Institute of Nursing Research invites you to the next open session of the National Advisory Council for Nursing Research (NACNR), which will be held on September 4, 2018 at 1:00-5:00 PM in conference room 6, building 31, C wing, 6th floor, on the NIH campus.
The session will feature updates from NINR’s Division of Intramural Research, presentations on NINR research and training, and a panel discussion.
In conjunction with the meeting, NINR intramural scientists will present a poster session beginning at 12:00 noon in conference room 5, building 31, C wing, 6th floor.
NACNR meets three times a year to provide recommendations on the direction and support of the nursing, biomedical, social, and behavioral research that forms the evidence base for nursing practice.
Further details on the NACNR can be found here.