The Opioid Task Force’s Public Safety & Justice Committee is extending an invitation to a community conversation about Public Safety, Behavioral Health & Community Responses to Drug Overdoses, scheduled for Monday, February 4, 2019, 1 PM – 2:30 PM at the Franklin Justice Center, 43 Hope Street, Greenfield, MA. Light snacks will be available. No RSVP’s are required.
Northampton Police Chief Jody Kasper and Officer Adam Van Buskirk will talk about their Drug Addiction and Recovery Team (DART). Cherry Sullivan and Michele Farry of Hampshire Hope will also be on hand to discuss DART efforts in Hampshire County. This meeting is open to the public. More about the Northampton DART Program can be found here.
We hope this meeting will help determine how we can connect to existing or emerging efforts, such as CIT, recovery coaching, harm reduction street outreach, bridge clinic, etc., to strengthen our region-wide response to drug overdoses or crisis incidents to save lives.