Cooley Dickinson Health Care: Community Forum to Assess Needs of Older Adults

Cooley Dickinson Health Care is conducting a community health needs assessment. Its 2019 assessment will include a special focus on the needs of older adults and as part of this it is hosting a discussion about the needs of older adults in the area. The aim is to hear from a variety of older adults as well as programs that serve them.

The next discussion will take place on Monday, March 4, from 2pm to 3:30 pm at the Amherst Senior Center, Bangs Community Center, 70 Boltwood Walk, Amherst, MA.
This event is co-sponsored by the Amherst Senior Center/COA and Amherst Neighbors
To register, please contact 888-554-4234 (4CDH) or visit

Light refreshments will be served.

A Conversation in the Community: A Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention

April 4, 2019
9:30am – 12:00 pm
Old Chapel
UMass Amherst campus

The UMass Amherst School of Public Health and Health Sciences invites you to the next event in the Dean’s Symposia Series: “A Conversation in the Community: A Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention.” Join us as we welcome suicide prevention specialist Dr. Eric Caine for his keynote lecture “Rethinking Suicide Prevention.”

Keynote Speaker: Eric Caine, MD
Director, Injury Control Research Center for Suicide Prevention
University of Rochester Medical Center

Recognizing and Responding to Child Abuse in our Communities

March 19, 2019
French King Restaurant
129 French King Highway, Erving, MA

A light dinner will be served
$20 registration fee
Register at or (413) 772-9069

Northwestern District Attorney – David E. Sullivan
Baystate Health Care MD – Dr. Stephen Boos
Chief of the Child Abuse Unit-Assistant District Attorney Linda Pisano
Department of Children and Families – Screening and Intake personnel
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children Coordinator – Stacey Langknecht


2019 Ounce of Prevention Conference

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health presents the 2019 Ounce of Prevention Conference, to take place on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 in the DCU Center, Worcester, MA. This is a signature prevention oriented gathering focused on building healthier and more equitable communities. It is designed to provide professional development and networking opportunities, along with tools, resources and practical skill?building sessions. The conference will feature a keynote speaker, workshops and networking opportunities.

The focus of the annual conference is Working Together for Healthier and More Equitable Communities. For more details, contact



College of Nursing

The Office of Research in the College of Nursing is delighted to present the first talk in our 2019 Spring Seminar Series to be delivered by Rebecca Bialecki, PhD, who will speak on ” Engaging with Community: Purposeful Relationships.”

Dr. Bialecki holds a doctorate in clinical psychology and is a long-time community leader and rural activist for health and social justice. She is currently the CEO of STAR Consulting, which supports non-profits throughout New England. Previously, she served as the Executive Director of the North Quabbin Community Coalition for over 14 years where she worked to promote a healthy community, focusing on areas of concern for the region, including transportation, health access, community development, child welfare and building resources. She most recently served as Vice President for Community Health and Chief Agent of Change from 2014 to 2018. She developed the new behavioral health campus at the Quabbin Retreat to serve the community’s need for behavioral health and addiction.

Her relationships with the local community have built bridges to health for the patient population by working to seamlessly integrate care and promote a whole person approach. She was lead staff in the development of telemedicine, oversaw the Telemedicine programs across the health system developing teleneurology, and offering tele-behavioral health both in patient and within local partner school systems.