2020 9th Annual UMCCTS Community Engagement and Research Symposium
Date: Friday, March 20, 2020; 8:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Location: UMass Medical School, Worcester, MA
Keynote: Dr. Peter D. Friedmann, MD, MPH, DFASAM, FACP
Associate Dean for Research, Division of General Internal Medicine
Department of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School- Baystate, Chief Research Officer, Baystate Health
Breakout Session Proposals Due: Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 5:00 PM
The breakout sessions serve as an opportunity for learning about innovative initiatives from community-engaged research teams from the UMass system, other academic institutions, local communities and beyond.
Audience: Community leaders, faculty and staff from UMass’ five campuses as well as other organizations and institutions interested in partnered research.
Breakout Session Format: Breakout sessions should be 60 minutes long and include interactive discussion. Sessions or trainings previously presented at other conferences are welcome. Possible formats include:
Panel Discussion
Presentation of Research Results
Suggested themes include but are not limited to: health disparities, underserved populations, patient-centered communication, community-clinic partnerships, social media, environmental health, obtaining funding, methods and tools for community-engaged research, specific diseases or conditions, prevention, health promotion, implementation and dissemination research.
Please submit your proposal via email by Wednesday, November 20, 2019 to: communityengagement@umassmed.edu with the following information:
• Title of the breakout session
• Name(s) and affiliation of moderator(s)
• List of breakout session presenters with email/phone
• Background and purpose of the breakout session
• Anticipated format, including a description of how you will interact with the audience
Notification Date: You will be notified by December 13, 2019 regarding the status of your proposal.
Questions? Email Communityengagement@umassmed.edu
For more information, visit www.umassmed.edu/ccts/community
Registration for the Symposium will open on January 10, 2020.