Dr Bruce S. McEwen: “The Resilient Brain: Epigenetics, Stress and the Lifecourse”

The UManage Center for the Science of Symptom Self-Management and the Office of Research is pleased to present “The Resilient Brain: Epigenetics, Stress and the Lifecourse,” a talk by Dr. Bruce S. McEwen, Alfred E. Mirsky Professor and head of the Harold and Margaret Milliken Hatch Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology at The Rockefeller University, New York.

Dr. McEwen studies molecular mechanisms underlying effects of stress and sex hormones on the brain. His work has wide-ranging implications for understanding how the brain changes, from development through adult life.

Date: October 24, 2017
Location: Life Sciences Laboratories, S330/340
Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Sigma Theta Tau International Global Nursing Research Grant

The Sigma Theta Tau International Global Nursing Research Grant encourages nurses to focus on responding to health disparities globally.

Grant Details
Grants available: 1 per year
Funding: up to US $10,000 (max)
Deadline: 1 May 2018
Funding date: 1 November  2018

Continue reading “Sigma Theta Tau International Global Nursing Research Grant”

NIH – Institutional Review Board Guidance

The most recent NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts contains important guidance on single Institutional Review Boards.

Guidance on Exceptions to the NIH Single IRB Policy can be found here

Guidance on Implementation of the NIH Policy on the Use of a Single Institutional Review Board for Multi-Site Research can be found here

National Science Foundation Grants Workshop

The University of Massachusetts Medical School and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute are holding an NSF Grants Workshop on September 22, 2017. The event will take place at WPI’s Gateway Park on
60 Prescott Street in the Life Sciences and Bioengineering Building. For more details, please contact Camille Bouchard-Chhoeuk at Camille@wpi.edu, or to register, click here.

Office of Research Grants 101 Workshop Series

The Office of Research invites Faculty in the College of Nursing to register for a five-week course examining the basics of applying for a grant, presented by Associate Dean of Research, Dr. Annette Wysocki.

Sessions will be held each Wednesday, from September 13 to October 11, in Skinner 101 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm. The course will cover the following topics:
1) Introduction to Federal grants
2) Biosketches
3) Specific Aims and Research Strategy
4) Budgets and Budget Justifications
5) Facilities and Other Resources, Human Subjects, Environmental Questions, Scoring Criteria

To register, please email icooke@umass.edu.

UMass Amherst Institute of Social Science Research: Faculty Funding Dialogue

On June 19, 2017, the Institute of Social Science Research will hold a faculty funding dialogue on the Letter of Intent/Inquiry (LOI). This is often the first approach made by a grantseeker to a private foundation. The dialogue will discuss the essential elements of a typical foundation LOI and how to craft a strong “mini-proposal.”

The session will take place from 12:00 to 1:00 pm in 107 Bartlett Hall. For further details visit http://www.umass.edu/issr/events/faculty-funding-dialogue-summer-spotlight-loi

UManage Center Pilot Research Grants 2018-19 – Request for Applications

The UManage Center for Building the Science of Symptom Self-Management is pleased to announce its Request for Applications for Pilot Project Grants for 2018-19.

The purpose of the UManage Center Pilot Research grant program is to provide funding for pilot research projects that address the self-management of sleep or fatigue using handheld or wearable sensors and/or other advanced technologies. Pilot projects support studies on the self-management of fatigue and sleep in persons of all age groups with chronic and acute disorders or multiple chronic conditions.

Grant applications that focus on any area of science related to the self-management of sleep and/or fatigue to improve human health are invited.  Two pilot awards will be made for 2018-19. Full details can be found here.

College of Nursing Associate Professor Receives Public Service Endowment Grant

Dr. Genevieve Chandler

College of Nursing associate professor Genevieve Chandler has received a University of Massachusetts Amherst Public Service Endowment Grant for a resilience project among young urban athletes at Springfield Central High School. These grants are designed to boost outreach, extend the campus resources into the surrounding community and enhance the public service mission of the university.

Dr Chandler’s goal is to work with the school to promote well-being among adolescents using the “Changing Minds, Changing Lives” program that has been successful among college-age young people. The core of this program is a five-week course that builds on student strengths and recognizes what they know through a group writing method that invites students to tell their own stories. She and school officials hope students gain a sense of strength and learned resilience, plus a foundation for healthy, informed decisions about behaviors, community engagement and future educational opportunities.

Travel Award to College of Nursing Assistant Professor

Dr. Rachel Walker

Congratulations to College of Nursing Assistant Professor Dr. Rachel Walker who has just been awarded a Jon Shevell Young Scientist Travel Scholarship from the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

This will help Dr. Walker to attend the International Association for Geriatrics and Gerontology World Congress to be held in San Francisco in July (https://www.iagg2017.org/). There she will convene a symposium on “Developing Interventions of Aging Cancer Survivors.”