DNP Research Spotlight # 2: Refugee Health Education

Welcome to the second installment of our Research Spotlight series highlighting at some of the recent research undertaken by graduates from our Doctor of Nursing (DNP) program. This will look at Maria Theresa Panizales’ work on refugee health education.

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“Symptom Science Research: A Path to Precision Health”

The Intramural Research Program at the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) recently hosted a symposium entitled “Symptom Science Research: A Path to Precision Health” at its location in Bethseda, MD. This highlighted NINR’s intramural scientific advances and collaborations across NIH and other other organizations.

The event was opened by Dr. Patricia Grady, the director of NINR. Dr. Michael Gottesman, NIH deputy director for intramural research, delivered the keynote address that that looked at NINR’s collaborations and partnerships examining the link between disease and care. This was followed by three scientific panels that brought together experts to discuss their research on the gut-liver-brain axis, fatigue and brain injury.

You can view the full symposium here.

College of Nursing Associate Professor Receives Public Service Endowment Grant

Dr. Genevieve Chandler

College of Nursing associate professor Genevieve Chandler has received a University of Massachusetts Amherst Public Service Endowment Grant for a resilience project among young urban athletes at Springfield Central High School. These grants are designed to boost outreach, extend the campus resources into the surrounding community and enhance the public service mission of the university.

Dr Chandler’s goal is to work with the school to promote well-being among adolescents using the “Changing Minds, Changing Lives” program that has been successful among college-age young people. The core of this program is a five-week course that builds on student strengths and recognizes what they know through a group writing method that invites students to tell their own stories. She and school officials hope students gain a sense of strength and learned resilience, plus a foundation for healthy, informed decisions about behaviors, community engagement and future educational opportunities.

DNP Research Spotlight # 1: “Increasing Exercises for Patients with Diabetes Using a Mobile App”

Over the Summer months, this blog will be highlighting some of the recent research undertaken by graduates from our Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Program.

First up, we will look Jill Jolin’s work on using the MyFitnessPal mobile app to increase exercise amongst patients with diabetes.

Continue reading “DNP Research Spotlight # 1: “Increasing Exercises for Patients with Diabetes Using a Mobile App””