On April 28, 2017, the 23rd annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference took place at the Lincoln Campus Center, University of Massachusetts Amherst. Continue reading “Annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference”
FREE Youth Mental First Aid (YMHFA) Workshops
A young person you know could be experiencing a mental health or substance use problem. Learn an action plan to help. Anyone 18 or older can take Youth Mental Health First Aid, but it is recommended for those who regularly have contact with young people ages 12-18 – teachers, coaches, social workers, faith leaders and other caring citizens.
DATE: Saturday June 10, 2017 8:00am – 4:00pm
LOCATION: Deliso Conference Center, Mercy Medical Center 271 Carew Street, Springfield, MA
DATE: Friday, July 7, 2017 from 8:00am to 4:00pm
LOCATION: Clinical Support Options 8 Atwood Drive, Northampton, MA
REGISTER AT: www.collaborative.org/YMHFA
Grants, Scholarships, and Training Opportunities
Below is a list of grants, scholarships, and training opportunities with upcoming application deadlines. You can follow each link for further information.
NURSE Corps Scholarship Program – May 11
Chronic Disease Management for Older Adults – May 12
Primary/Behavioral Health Care Integration – May 17
Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training – June 12
2017 Faculty Honors Dinner
Several faculty from the College of Nursing were recognized last week at the 2017 UMass Amherst Faculty Honors Dinner.

Stephanie Griggs received both a College Outstanding Teacher Award for her teaching accomplishments, and a Fellowship for Innovative Teaching from the Center for Teaching and Faculty Development. Raeann Leblanc was the recipient of a Teaching for Inclusiveness, Diversity and Equity Ambassadors Fellowship, a competitive award program that recognizes the vital role faculty fulfill in creating an inclusive and equitable college experience for all students. The Institute for Teaching and Faculty Development awarded Mary Paterno a Mutual Mentoring Grant, designed to encourage faculty to develop robust professional networks that support their growth as researchers, teachers, and leaders in their field. Dr. Paterno’s Faculty Research Grant was also acknowledged, for her project “Feasibility of a Nurse Led Digital Storytelling Workshop Intervention for Rural Pregnant Women with Substance Abuse Disorder”, as was Kalpana Poudel-Tandukar’s Grant for her project “Identifying Socio-Cultural Barriers to Seeking Mental Heath Services among Bhutanese Refugees in Springfield, Massachusetts”. Finally, Rachel Walker was recognized for her Career Catalyst Research Award from the Susan G. Komen Foundation for Breast Cancer Research.
Community Partnership Grant Award
Congratulations to Dr. Mary Paterno of the College of Nursing, and her co-PI, Dr. Elizabeth Peacock-Chambers, who have been awarded a Community Partnership Grant by the Center for Research on Families at UMass Amherst and the Healthy Development Initiative at UMass Springfield.
Described as “innovative” and “highly significant,” their proposal will investigate “Maternal Perceptions of Opiate Addiction and Child Development Services from Pregnancy through the First Year Postpartum.” It is one of two pilot grants awarded through the new Community Partnership Research Grant Initiative, part of an emerging commitment to create and nurture ongoing collaborations between UMass researchers and community partners in the Springfield area, designed to increase the health and well-being of Springfield residents.
Dr. Paterno is a certified nurse-midwife who is interested in innovative community and clinical solutions to improve perinatal, postpartum, and contraceptive care for vulnerable women. Dr. Peacock-Chambers is a pediatrician and part of the Baystate Health Center for Quality of Care Research. They are partnering with Tinamarie Fioroni, LMHC, from the Behavioral Health Network in Springfield.
Seedworks Social Justice Symposium 2017: The Art and Science of Social Justice and Healthcare
Make sure to join us on Monday, April 24, 2017 for the Seedworks Social Justice symposium, Substance Abuse: The Lived Experience. The event, to be held in the Campus Center Auditorium at UMass Amherst, will run from 8am to 5pm. Speakers will include Dr. Jacquelyn Campbell, Anna D. Wolf Chair at Johns Hopkins School of Nursing and National Program Director, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Nurse Faculty Scholars, and Northwestern District Attorney David E. Sullivan. For more details, and to register, please visit http://umass.edu/nursing/seedworks-symposium-2017. The cost is $50 for general admission, and $20 for students.
Funding Opportunity: Systems for Action
Systems for Action (S4A) is a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that aims to discover and apply new evidence about ways of aligning the delivery and financing systems for medical, social, and public health services that support a Culture of Health. S4A uses a wide research lens that includes and extends beyond medical care and public health systems to include other sectors that affect health and well-being, such as housing, transportation, social services, education, criminal and juvenile justice, and economic and community development.
The goal of this call for proposals is to fund research that supports new scientific evidence on ways to optimize delivery and financing systems in ways that improve health and reduce inequities.
Deadlines Monday, April 17, 2017, 12:30 to 1:30 pm, ET Informational webinar for applicants. Registration is required. Friday, May 5, 2017, 3 pm, ET
Deadline for receipt of proposals.
Faculty as Engaged Scholars in an Era of Uncertainty
Cheryl L. Dukes, Director of Healthcare Outreach and Community Engagement in the College of Nursing will be one of the speakers at the upcoming event ‘Faculty as Engaged Scholars in an Era of Uncertainty’.
Panelists from across the university will address the questions of the roles and responsibilities of researchers in these uncertain political times, and will ask how scholars can best use their resources to respond to attacks on vulnerable populations and institutions.
This event is part of the UMass Public Engagement Project and will take place in the Hadley room in the Campus Center on May 1, from 12:00pm to 1:30pm.
Yale School of Medicine: Third Annual Sleep and Symptom Research Symposium
The Third Annual Sleep & Symptom Research Symposium will take place on April 28, 2017, at Yale School of Nursing on the West Campus.
Conference registration is free and is due by April 15.
The program will include a keynote speaker, research presentations, posters, and time for networking and discussion. Lunch will be served. This year’s keynote address is “Effects of Sleep and Circadian Disruption on Metabolism and Risk of Disease,” by Kenneth P. Wright, PhD, professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado Boulder.
For further information, please visit https://medicine.yale.edu/news/article.aspx?id=14575 or contact frances.hackerman@yale.edu.
Research Seminar: Self-Management Strategies for Cancer Survivors
On April 25, 2017, Catherine Henshall, Ph.D., MA, MN, RN, of Oxford Brookes University in England, will present a research seminar entitled “Self-Management Strategies for Cancer Survivors: Who Does What and Why?”
Dr. Henshall is a Senior Nursing Research Fellow and holds a joint post between Oxford Brookes University, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, and OxINMAHR. Her clinical background is in oncology nursing, and her research interests focus around self-management and cancer survivorship.
The seminar will take place from 12:00pm – 1:00pm in Skinner Hall, Room 101.
We look forward to seeing you there.
More details on Dr. Henshall’s work can be viewed at http://www.brookes.ac.uk/nursing/about/staff/?wid=nursing%20staff%20directory&op=full&uid=p0079619