Just Another Day At School

There is nothing better in life than to have your co-workers slam you to your administration for no real reason.  As we try to teach our students some simple life skills I think many of the teachers could use a refresher course in how to conduct themselves.


Imagine being in 6th grade and feeling like the whole world is against you, except that instead of it being a fallacy it is a true statement to some extent.  This is the story of a young girl who, like many of the students I’ve encountered, have faced their fair share of turmoil.  Jesse, a made up name used with both her parents and her permission, has been with me since July.  Small in stature yet as fiesty as they come, Jesse walked into the summer program and took it by storm.  It didn’t matter that she was younger than most, she took on all comers who crossed her path, boy or girl.

As a teacher I have been trained to look past the rough exterior and I somehow got her to open up about her life.  The story she told was again something that most of us would only be able to see in a nightmare, yet here she is facing it as a reality.

Jesse lived with her mom and dad until the age of 8.  As she explained, she thought her life was pretty normal, if you consider physical abuse(broken arm, etc…) normal.  Her mom was addicted to drugs and Jesse basically parented herself until the state came to get her.  She entered foster care where she went through many homes before settling down in this latest one.  This year alone she has fought several girls, decided to run out of the school and go for a stroll, and verbally assaulted everyone from the VP to teacher after teacher.  Most get frustrated with her and think she needs tough love.  I see a girl fighting for her life…from the inside out.

Jesse is smart and according to MCAS statistics is proficient in both Math and ELA.  She is a girl who is being defined by her environment and can’t escape her past.  She dreams of being reunited with the man who hurt her most and longs to be “wanted” by a family.  Jesse is a survivor but doesn’t realize it yet.