Tag Archives: media

Barbershop Backdrop

When reading the article “The Podcast ‘‘Chitlin’ Circuit’’: Black Podcasters, Alternative Media, and Audio Enclaves” I was struck by the mention of the barbershop being brought into the listeners homes, and how well equipped a podcast is to deal with this. This made me think of the movie that was recently released, which is appropriately named, “Barbershop: the Next Cut”. With this contrast of mediums, I had to wonder how important the medium is to the reception of the product. While I admit that as a very white individual, I am hardly the target audience for these pieces, but I hadn’t heard much of anything about the podcasting circuit that focuses on the black community. In this same vein though, I haven’t heard much in the way of amazing success for this genre of movie either. This seems to be due to the severe pay difference between the two mediums. It costs certainly more to produce a movie than it does a podcast, and this pay difference has a direct effect on the quantity of media that is produced, and when the idea is to create a sort of home space that can be shared among individuals, being able to return to the environment is important. As well as the fact that in the long term, there isn’t much technological replacement that really has to happen, microphones won’t be changing dramatically in the foreseeable future. This means that there is just one up front payment for podcasts, as opposed to sets, costumes, and actors for film.

With movies like the barbershop series paling in comparison to other movies popping on the scene at the same time, like “the Jungle Book”, there also becomes an issue of the system feeding itself. The fact that these movies that don’t bring in the same sort of viewership that the bigger box office hits do makes them less likely to be produced, which means that they need to be wary of being eliminated from the system all together. This is a problem that plagues the industry in representation as well. Since movies that star white men do so great on the monetary side of things what reason is there for changing the system? It becomes a conveyor belt that only speeds up the process for the homogeneous bleaching of the cinematic industry.

Another aspect that I think of when addressing the podcast is the income of the listeners. It is an unfortunate aspect of our society that a large number of black citizens do not have the income necessary to live in this day and age. This is a factor because it is an expenditure to go and see the movies, with taking the time out of the day, driving there, and purchasing the movie tickets themselves, while podcasts cost very little with access to the internet, which more and more is becoming a necessity. Podcasts can be listened to while going about the day to day tasks that are needed to be done around the house, thus making it a much more natural fit for merging into the everyday life of people.

Platforms; Essential and Horrifying

Platforms exist in a fantastic way in our society. As a way of being an essential form in our society, but terrifyingly influential in the way our country works. Through the readings I came across several questions for how platforms work, and mainly my curiosity was struck with the idea that platforms could cause controversy with how powerful they are. The big four platforms especially having so much control of the market,


While platforms provide essential services to us in terms of how practical and simple they are to use. Imagining my life without Google docs or Gmail at this point is a simply horrifying idea. I can’t imagine going back to the days of AOL and AIM, they we’re simply too complicated and bulky compared to the streamlined and unified subsets of Google. Google has such power over our current society, as it is such a unified construct, which allows more people to collaborate and work together on various projects. This simple factor of having a completely unified system that is accessible anywhere there’s Internet access.


The main focus of my interest however lied within the idea of Amazon. The discussions on Amazon in class, as well as the various examples of Amazon during our readings raised questions about how useful. I came to the conclusion that Amazon, as a platform in our culture is crucial at this point. For various reasons it’s so important, including the fact that it offers cheap access to content, with quick and affordable shipping. Especially with Amazon Prime, as by offering a cheaper alternative for students with the aspect of Amazon Prime they offer students an alternative and altogether cheaper way to get textbooks, entertainment, even food! At cheaper prices, and with free shipping, to be honest my experience with it has been stellar. It has saved me money and has made my life so much easier in terms of finances. Knowing the pluses of the platform first hands lends my opinions to lean towards the fact that platforms are an important aspect of our evolving society.


With Google’s simplistic, welcoming and unified system the ability for us to collaborate and integrate more people through a virtual space is a critically important aspect to today’s online presence. While Amazon offers access to cheap, and accessible products, especially with Amazon Student, offering cheaper access to textbooks, textbook rentals, and entertainment, all with fast shipping. Platforms have been involved with multiple scandals, however they always seem to be problems with them trying to make more content available to consumers. For example Amazon’s Kindle service provided books at a cheaper price compared to their print counterparts. While this puts the publishing industry in danger there is no downside to us as consumers, as it provides the same exact content for a much cheaper price. Platforms can be problematic, especially with the danger they present as being incredibly close to being monopolies. These facts considered, the benefits of platform far outweigh the negatives, and while they should be monitored, they are an integral part of our society, as they make our lives easier.




Also Amazon Drones.

Youtube: Community and Art


Youtube for me has always been about community and art. It has often worked for me as a way to discover different forms of cinema, rather than what I was just finding during television advertisements. By delving into Youtube I was able to explore different parts of both movie making, and the general entertainment factor of watching movies as I could look at what trailers I wanted to watch, rather than what the different channels wanted me to watch during designated advertisement slots.


By watching things like “[the films of] David Fincher” and “Quentin Tarantino – The Works” I was able to better understand what made these director’s films so good. Youtube has allowed me to join a community of like minded movie buffs and fanatics, as well as acting as a learning tool for what makes cinema aesthetically pleasing, beautiful, and great. This was expanded by channels such as “Every Frame A Painting” which is dedicated to the analysis of film form, which allowed a great way of understanding how film works as an art form. Access to director’s commentaries and interviews has granted me the possibility to better understand my favorite director’s art styles, and some of the more intricate details of my favorite movies. Youtube has become equivalent with understanding and exploring film as an art form, and truly allowed my experience with movies to truly blossom.  Another part of Youtube that increased my love with film was the discovery that short movies could be uploaded to Youtube, increasing the platform’s ability to host artistic content related to cinema. The discovery of short film’s such as “I’m Here” and “In a City” on Youtube led to the discovery of boundless cinematic content. With the ability to freely upload any creative content at any point has created a door through which artists can stick their foot and force their art through.  The discovery of these various takes on cinema as an art form created a community I could silently be a part of, while also expanding my knowledge and appreciation of film.

However the other side of Youtube for me, lies in the small hobby of fingerboarding. Starting in early middle school I discovered a small toy that emulated a skateboard, known as a Tech Deck otherwise known as a fingerboard. The hobby surrounds the recreation of skateboard tricks with the use of a small skateboard and fingers. While at first seemingly a dumb plastic toy it soon gets a lot more detailed. Without Youtube, I would have never discovered the massive group of people that follow and are dedicated to fingerboarding. After watching a bunch of videos from so called ‘pro riders’ I got an actual wooden fingerboard, bearing wheels, and actual metal trucks, all parts required of a real skateboard on a miniature scale. The fingerboard community relies on youtube to share full length fingerboard parts or ‘minis’ which are short videos of fingerboarding sessions. The discovery of this community through Youtube led me to make a bunch of new friends, and discover a talent I didn’t know I had. While insignificant and kind of childish, fingerboarding is truly a community that would not exist without Youtube, to advertise for upcoming meet ups, montage videos, and other things of the sort. Just as with skateboarding it has a community of riders that like to session together, however with a much smaller community, which is where Youtube played such a vital role. With the ability for riders to upload videos they’re able to receive feedback on how to improve their tricks and technique, thus allowing for the betterment of the community as a whole. Fingerboarding would hardly have the community it has today if not for Youtube.

Youtube is truly a website that has inspired within me a sense of community and artistic expression, as I have been able to find a community of people that share interests in things such as film and fingerboarding. With these specific examples showing how a small toy can evolve into a full scale community, and how an artistic form can be accessed, critiqued, and practiced, by millions for free.




Fifth Estate

The Fifth Estate refers to a nonphysical entity composed of  bloggers, journalists, and media outlets that operate outside the mainstream media. Operating outside of what is referred to as the Fourth Estate which is the mainstream media, most commonly referring to the news media (especially print journalism). The Fifth Estate may also include political groups, corporations, or other groups outside of the mainstream in their views and function in society.

The platforms that the Fifth Estate is built on are based around algorithms that are typically unseen by the greater fraction of users, unless said user has a background in I.T. or computers. This calls into question how much we as users really know about the technology we’re using.

The Fifth Estate however is also very liberating, as users through social media we have a collective ability to share information, create communities, and to organize social movements.

Memes to Mashups and Back Again

One of the most interesting things that happened to me in the opening weeks of this course, is learning what a meme actually is, rather than the poorly made image macro that I usually associate with the term. When I heard ‘meme’ before I came to the course I thought of grumpy cat, “Sure Jan”, and various other internet fads.

However after reading Kelli S. Burn’s “From Memes to Mashups; Creating Content from Content”, I gained a greater understanding of what a meme actually is, being defined as “…a unit of cultural information that replicates while still remaining whole” in Burn’s article, while more simply it can be explained as something that can be copied over and over with the meaning remaining the same. At least in my interpretation. This idea really resonated with me as I searched for examples to make sense of what a meme really was, as I struggled to grasp the concept in class. This is where Burn’s article was a real treat for me, by also tackling the ideas of mashups she easily explains what both items are individually while still relating them to each other.

The idea of a meme really clicked for me when we were in class and watching Susan Blackmore’s TED talk on memes. That’s when I truly understood that a meme was not simply an image shared on facebook but was actually the replication of an idea throughout society. The example that made it click for me totally was a comparison my friend made of memes and there relationship to fashion. We used flannel as a specific example; flannel could have originally started as let’s say a lumberjack’s preferred work shirt, as it keeps him warm and is heavy duty. Over time the flannel shirt is replicated for the same purpose over and over, until someone took it and decided to wear it in L.A. with a pair of short shorts. Thus bringing flannel to a different scene completely, yet keeping the same idea as a warm, heavy duty shirt.

However, let’s say that the flannel shirt is changed. The original form is taken and edited by some girl on Etsy. She cut’s out the back and puts in a gigantic lace cut out. By taking the original content and adding her own interpretation to the idea she has successfully created her very first mashup! While Burn’s article mostly focuses on the music aspect of mashups, she does touch on trailer mashups as well. The idea of a mashup is incredibly freeing to me, the ability to take any type of digital media and putting it together to create something altogether different is astounding to me. The practice of mashups almost parodies the idea of original content as it takes that content as a starting point for creation rather than starting with a completely blank canvas. Discussing the idea of mashups in class really made me question how mashups could fit into the world of film, music, and art. As it could lead to incredible new avenues in creative expression as well as storytelling. Which is what Burn’s makes it out to be with her descriptions of “Thru-you”, “The Grey Album”, “Brokeback to the Future”, and other famous mashups but due to the laws surrounding the original pieces of media the mashup is often hunted down. The legal aspect of the mashup was the most troubling aspect of the article for me, as most of the people mentioned in the article as DJs and video editors were not in the job of making mashups for money, but just for fun. But, by getting the legal side of things involved I personally think that they made the mashup famous and immortal. As by bringing so much media attention to it, and the backlash it was facing, it has now become something that can be explored as a more contraband form of expression, or a dangerous art form. By getting involved legally with something perfectly harmless media conglomerates have created their own worst enemy.

As an aside to this post here are two of my very favorite mashups:

Madeon’s “Pop Culture” is a mashup of 39 different songs (check the description for a full list):


Kees Van Dijkhuizen Jr. is a 21 year old film student who created a project known as ‘Cinema’ to mashup clips from all (almost) the movies released in a year to show how far cinema has progressed and changed. He did this up until 2012, he also is famous for his ‘[The films of]’ series which highlights the filmographies of famous directors into concise videos to show off there various styles and techniques. The video I’m using here is from 2012, the year I hosted a film festival for my high school senior project and used this as the opener.



YouTube Partner Program

Per the YouTube website, the YouTube Partner Program is described as a program that allows creators to monetize content on YouTube through a variety of ways including advertisements, paid subscriptions, and merchandise. In addition to joining the Partner Program, Creators can take advantage of the variety of resources, features, and programs that YouTube provides to help you build your channel(s) and your audience.

Basically, to make money off of YouTube, you have to be a part of this partner program.

Not just anyone can join, however. Criteria to be admitted to the partnership program is as follows:

“Your YouTube channel may be eligible for the YouTube Partner Program if it meets the following criteria:

  • The program has launched in your country.
  • Your account is in good standing and hasn’t previously been disabled for monetization.
  • You upload original, quality content that is advertiser-friendly.
  • Your video content complies with our Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
  • You have reviewed our copyright education materials.”

There are also some stipulations regarding what kind of content one can post when using the program, as to avoid copyright issues. Examples are listed below:

  • Music (including cover songs, lyrics, and background music)
  • Graphics and pictures (including photographs and artwork)
  • Movie or TV visuals
  • Video game or software visuals
  • Live performances (including concerts, sporting events, and shows)

Additionally, through the article we read for class today entitled “How Much Money Do YouTube Stars Make?” we learned how much one can realistically make off a “YouTube career.” YouTube gives its content partners, that is those that participate in the program, 55% of the ad revenue that they bring in (while YouTube gets 45% of the profits.) The types of ads that are used to sponsor their videos are a factor in how much money they earn. Pre-roll ads (ads that lead into the beginning of the video) bring in an average of $5 for every 1,000 views. Banner ads bring in an estimate $.80 cents per 1,000 views. 1,000 views is a lot, so clearly to make money off this partnership, the user’s content must have to attract a huge number of viewers.

#YouTube #Media #NewMedia #Advertising

Websites used for information:

My Life as Defined By YouTube

My YouTube Playlist
Basically my entire existence summarized by 17 videos… I couldn’t limit myself to just 15.
My first memory of life on YouTube is of one of the most classic viral videos of all time, “Shoes” by Liam Kyle Sullivan. This video was uploaded 7 years ago and has accumulated a mind boggling 52,493,699 views (probably 100 of those coming from me alone.) Liam Sullivan actually went to my high school, King Philip, and even sports a KP Varsity Track jacket in the first scene of the video. But this alumni-themed reason alone is not why I was hooked on YouTube the second the catchy beats of the “Shoes” song entered my eardrums. It’s hilarious! It’s addictive! It’s only the beginning! After watching “Shoes” obsessively, I browsed the rest of the videos Liam had already uploaded at the time. This included the timelessly quotable “Muffins” video which I included in my playlist as well. From here, I traveled around the YouTube space via channels Liam subscribes to and that is where my journey into the world of YouTube comedy began (see also: “Ball Champions” by Kyle.)

Ball Champions

My exploration of YouTube via “Shoes” as a starting point emphasizes the unique community space that YouTube creates on the web. No other form of new media has been able to produce such a close-knit community of shared creativity, and that is why YouTube is so popular. If you find one video on the web that you enjoy, you can easily locate MILLIONS more of similar taste and theme via automated recommendations, similar channels, playlists, subscriptions, etc. — and thus, the YouTube community is born. One of the most special aspects of YouTube culture, in my opinion, is the way it digitizes ordinary aspects of life. In the pre-YouTube era (how horrific!), one could concoct a delicious cake recipe, serve it to friends, and provide a written transcription of the recipe to those who requested it. In contemporary times, that same recipe is now made accessible to billions of people instead of just close peers. Furthermore, not only is it available to billions, but it has been completely digitized. There could now be a step-by-step video SHOWING (instead of telling) you exactly how to follow the recipe to make that delicious cake. Without YouTube, this would not be possible. It’s crazy to think how simple life activities have been transformed into tangible information for people across the globe, connecting communities of people with shared interests that would never be able to engage or interact without this site. Amazing.

Clearly, I really recognize appreciate how YouTube has changed the web. I use it every single day, and my YouTube playlist basically summarizes my personality and life. I value humor as the top quality trait in a person, as displayed by my obsession for funny YouTube videos and channels. I love music of course, but I’m particularly fascinated by innovative covers and mashups such as DJ Earworm’s yearly mashup of Top 40 songs. I am an animal lover; I could watch videos of baby animals doing quirky things literally all day long — are you kidding me with Christian the Lion?! Most tearjerking video ever! Speaking of tearjerking videos, I’m a huge sucker for them. I love a good emotional cry via a cute viral video such as the military surprise compilation. And, I’m a novice cook just entering the culinary world. I basically have to resort to YouTube instructional videos every time I want to cook a meal. As you can see, YouTube has improved nearly every aspect of my life. It makes content of every kind from each corner of the globe accessible to me right at the click of my fingertips. I’d be lost without it. 

Christian the Lion
Military Surprise Compilation



What in the world is a LOLcat?


A lolcat is an image combining a photograph of a cat with text intended to contribute humour. The text is often idiosyncratic and grammatically incorrect, and its use in this way is known as “lolspeak” or “kitty pidgin”. “Lolcat” is a compound word of the acronym abbreviation for “laugh out loud” (LOL) and the word “cat”. Another, more simple definition is merely a photo of a cat doing a seemingly-innocuous thing, with large text superimposed.

Citation: Dwight Silverman (2007-06-06). “Web photo phenomenon centers on felines, poor spelling”. Houston Chronicle. Retrieved 20a 12-04-01.