List of Conferences
Please click on year to link to more information:
2023: Cultural Landscapes’ Critical Role in Responding to Climate Change
2019: Rural Heritage: Landscapes and Beyond
2018: Culture, Migration and Adaptation in a Rapidly Changing World
2017: The Role of Heritage During Migration and Displacement
2016: Nature & Culture: Heritage in Context
2015: Cultural Landscapes & Heritage Values
2014: Heritage & Healthy Societies: Exploring the Links among Cultural Heritage, Environment, and Resilience
2013: The Past For Sale? New Perspectives on the Economic Entanglements of Cultural Heritage
2012: High-tech Heritage: How Are Digital Technologies Changing Our Views of the Past?
2011: Why Does the Past Matter?
2009: Heritage in Conflict and Consensus: New Approaches to the Social, Political, and Religious Impact of Public Heritage in the 21st Century, An International Workshop