Monthly Archives: April 2015

On time, late or somewhere in between

Some schools set times that faculty members need to be present at the start of the work day, I actually think all schools have at least some vague guideline for it.  I show up at least an hour before the students get here, and I do it for a couple of reasons: peace and quiet, I can get my copying done with no one around and it allows me the chance to just acclimate to school before the day starts.  I know this is my choice and I gladly accept; however, everyday I see some faculty walking in as the bell rings and students are headed to homeroom.  Is this appropriate?  How do you think the students feel about this while they are making their way to class and you’re just getting there?  Is there some kind of unwritten rule where even though the contract says 5 minutes before the bell you should really be there 10 or even 15 minutes?  I don’t know, and someday when  my life gets slightly more complicated maybe I will rethink this, but until that point are we setting any kind of good example for our students by doing this, or do you think they don’t notice?  Just some food for thought.