Monthly Archives: January 2016

Prepping for finals

With the semester coming to a close and finals less than a week away, i am curious as to how others plan, prep and create their finals.  I normally try to go back, look at problem areas and throw a couple of those problems on the test as well as other basic knowledge questions.  I like to try and address all content standards as well as provide a variety of types of questions – multiple choice, short answer, matching, etc.  These questions make up about 75% of my final.  For the remaining part, I like to select questions from our past state tests to ensure students are progressing in a manner acceptable by state education administration.  I am curious of others and how they prepare for the end of their semesters?


  • In the state of Massachusetts not all students are subjected to each science test.  It is the school districts decision as to which science exam the students will take.  Our school elects to take the biology test, and since I teach mostly chemistry and one physics class, I am able to show students questions that they would never have seen in the past.