Logistic Regression on Tree Failure – Weird Results

Hi class,

I’ve been working on Brian Kane’s tree failure data from last October’s snowstorm, and got some weird results.  I set up a logistic regression with Failure as a response (tree broke = 1, not=0), and something funny is happening.  When I run a full model with a random slope and intercept, it doesn’t run on my portable, but it does run on my desktop!  Attached are the data file for Acer rubrum: 190 trees in several locations around campus.  The locations are the random effect.  DBH, presence of a defect and leaves on or off are the three fixed effects.  Here is my data file (dfAcRu.csv) and my R script (AcerRubrum.r).  If you have a chance, could you try running the script on your computer and see if it works?



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