3B: Wave Motion

3B10.10 - Transverse Pulses and Waves (long rope)3b1010transverse_pulses_and_waves (rope)This demonstration visually shows a transverse pulse or transverse waves.
3B10.20 - Transverse Pulses and Waves (slinky)
3B20.11 - Longitudinal Pulses (slinky)
Transverse Pulses and Waves (slinky)A slinky can be stretched across a classroom floor to show Transverse/Longitudinal waves and pulses.
3B10.30 - Horizontal Shive3b1030horizontal_shive_2Using this shive, you can demonstrate how wave pulses propagate.
3B10.50 - Vertical Shive3b1050vertical_shiveThis demonstration is a slinky that is suspended from a rod. With this you can visually show ...
3B22.30 - Standing Waves with Horizontal ShiveStanding Waves with Horizontal ShiveUsing the horizontal shive with one end driven by a motor, you can show the effect of standing waves...
3B40.10 - Doppler Effect3b4010doppler_effect This demonstration illustrates the Doppler effect.
3B50.10/.12/.20/.25/.80 - Ripple Tank3b5010ripple_tank1 This apparatus is used to show various aspects of water waves. A point source, double point ...
3B50.40 - Moire Pattern3b5040moire patternThese overheads can be used to illustrate Moire Patterns. Various shapes are available.
3B60.10 - Beat Forks (2 tuning forks)3b6010beat_forksTo demonstrate beats, place a small piece of clay on the top of one of the beat forks. Strike ...