Advanced Statistical Physics (P817), Spring 2024
Instructor: Romain Vasseur, Associate Professor
office: Hasbrouck 405A
email: rvasseur[at]umass[dot]edu
office hours: by appointment and email, or visit my office
Lectures: MoWe 2.30-3.45pm, Has Lab 136
Suggested reading materials:
- Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physics, John Cardy, Cambridge University Press
- Statistical Physics of Fields, Kardar, Cambridge University Press
- Lectures on Phase Transitions and the Renormalization Group, Nigel Goldenfeld, Frontiers in Physics Series (Vol. 85), Westview Press
- Principles of Condensed Matter Physics, P.M. Chaikin & T.C. Lubensky, Cambridge University Press
- Phase transitions and Renormalization Group, Jean Zinn-Justin, Oxford Graduate Texts
Website: Course materials will also be made available on Slack.
The course grade will be based on the problem sets (70%) and a take-home final (30%).
- Introduction: Critical phenomena and simple models. Mean-field theory.
- Ginzburg-Landau theory: fluctuations, Ginzburg criterion, upper/lower critical dimensions, Goldstone modes.
- The Renormalization Group
- The perturbative RG:
- Operator product expansions
- epsilon expansion
- O(N) model and Large N limit
- XY model: Topological defects, Coulomb gas and Berezinskii-Kosterlitz–Thouless transition
- Advanced topics (time permitting):
- Nonlinear sigma model
- Random Systems
- (Brief) Introduction to conformal field theory
Lecture Notes:
- Critical Phenomena
- Ginzburg-Landau theory & Fluctuations
- The Renormalization Group
- Perturbative RG
- KT transition
- Nonlinear sigma model
- Disordered systems
Problem Sets: posted on Slack.
- 2/5: Intro to critical phenomena, Chapter 1: pages 1-3
- 2/7: Models & Mean-field theory, Remarks about SSB. Chapter 1: pages 4-7
- 2/12: Remarks about SSB, Landau-Ginzburg free energy: Chapter 1: page 8, Chapter 2: pages 1-3.
- 2/14: Saddle point approximation, mean-field exponents and correlation functions. Chapter 2: pages 4-6.
- 2/21: Correlation functions, Ginzburg criterion, upper critical dimension and Gaussian fluctuations. Chapter 2: pages 7-9 + appendix page 17.
- 2/22: functional Gaussian integrals, Gaussian fluctuations and specific heat. Chapter 2: pages 9-10 + appendix pages 15-16 on Gaussian integrals.
- 2/26: Lower critical dimension, Peierls argument, Goldstone modes. Chapter 2: pages 11-13.
- 2/28: Mermin-Wagner theorem, RG solution of the 1d Ising model. Chapter 2: pages 13-14. Chapter 3: pages 1-2.
- 3/4: Block spins, general RG theory, universality. Chapter 3: pages 3-5.
- 3/6: Universality, scaling and critical exponents, Chapter 3: pages 6-8.
- 3/11: Correlation length scaling, irrelevant variables and corrections to scaling, finite-size scaling. Chapter 3: pages 8-9.
- 3/25: Scaling operators and correlation functions. Start real space RG for 2d Ising. Chapter 3: pages 9-11.
- 3/27: Real space RG for the 2D Ising model. Power counting in the phi^4 theory. Chapter 3: Pages 12-14.
- 3/29: Operator product expansions, perturbative RG. Chapter 4: Pages 1-4.
- 4/1: phi^4 theory: Gaussian fixed point, Wick’s theorem, normal order, OPEs. Pages 4-7.
- 4/3: Wilson-Fisher fixed point and epsilon expansion. Irrelevant variables. Pages 8-10.
- 4/8: O(N) model, dangerously irrelevant variables and phi^4 theory for d>4. Chapter 4: pages 10-11, page 15.
- 4/10: Large N limit of the O(N) model. Chapter 4: pages 12-14.
- 4/15: XY Model: Monte Carlo Simulations, High T and low T expansions. Chapter 5: pages 1-2.
- 4/17: Quasi-long range order, topological defects, free energy argument, dipoles and vortices. Chapter 5: pages 3-5.
- 4/22: Coulomb gas mapping and duality to sine-Gordon field theory. Chapter 5: pages 6-8.
- 4/24: Stiffness renormalization, KT RG equations. Chapter 5: pages 9-11.
- 4/29: RG analysis of the KT transition, scaling. Chapter 5: pages 11-15.
- 5/1: Disordered systems: quenched randomness, replica trick. Harris criterion. Chapter 7.