Author Archives: mreyes

To All My Spanish and STEM Majors

This is dedicated to all the students who are either dual-degreeing, double majoring, minoring, or certifying in Spanish in addition to their primary STEM major. As a biochemistry and Spanish dual-degree student, I seeked to find the intersection between these two fields and I’d like to share more about my perspective in this existing overlap. 

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American Student Takes Classes in Spain

I want to share with you my experience taking classes in Spain. In the summer of 2021 I had the opportunity to embark on a journey with other UMass students through the Salamanca Summer program. To provide some context I’ll start off by saying I was really excited to study abroad because this was my last summer before graduating. I would not have another opportunity to do so once the academic year started. Secondly I’d also like to share that although I am bilingual and familiar with the language, this was my first time travelling to Europe. I hope as you read my experience, you are encouraged to also participate in this beautiful adventure and get out of your comfort zone.

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Mi latinidad and love for science

Hello! I am a student double majoring in Biochemistry and Spanish. I am also planning on getting the Spanish and Health Certificate offered at UMass. My spanish major relates greatly to my biochemistry major because it allows me to formulate my thoughts through different lenses. Many times in the biochemistry core classes students only focus on memorizing and analyzing material in a more factual way. My Spanish major has allowed me to take classes where we discuss humanitarian problems occurring not just in medical settings, but all over the globe. I truly believe taking Spanish classes have allowed me to mentality relax during the semester and not stress too much over my science courses. I do believe studying is important but my Spanish class discussion reminds me that there are far more important things than just your studies to worry about. My Spanish class discussion reminds me there is work to be done, not until I graduate from college or medical school, but change that can be worked for currently. I truly believe my Spanish and biochemistry majors complement each other. Taking classes in the liberal arts and science college is such an amazing curriculum to follow. The Spanish classes allow me to stay true to my roots by reminding me of the beauty in my latinidad and learning to embrace it, even as it shows up in my science careers. Being aware of one’s identity is super important as it allows youth to acknowledge what position you are in and how to manipulate this in a beneficial way for others. Helping others looks differently, but the reason and passion to help should always come from selfless motives. 

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