Category Archives: Study abroad

Why Wait? Study Abroad Before It’s Too Late!

Next semester, as a sophomore at UMass, I will be studying abroad in Seville, Spain and taking all classes in Spanish that relate to Spanish and Andalusian culture. I feel like an unspoken normality is that many college students, if they choose to study abroad, will go during their junior year. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing to go at this point in your college career, I still think there are benefits to studying abroad as a sophomore.

If the Covid-19 pandemic showed me one thing, it would be that anything can happen and the future is unpredictable. I am lucky enough to have come into college as the pandemic had settled a little bit, and I truly could not imagine if it had prevented me from being able to study abroad. Studying abroad has been a dream of mine for several years and it has been one of my plans because I know it will help advance my skills for my academic and professional careers. Thus, keeping in mind that anything can happen at any given moment, I wanted to seize the opportunity to study abroad sooner rather than later.

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Being a Respectful Outsider

For six weeks this summer, I lived two blocks away from the most popular surfing beach in Donostia-San Sebastián, la Zurriola. Most of my memories from Zurriola are positive: getting to know my roommates as we basked in the sun, diving through the waves before sunset, and watching intense matches of beach volleyball. However, there was one night at Zurriola that stuck with me more than any other and taught me the importance of demonstrating respect while studying abroad.

This night reminded me that, no matter what, I would always be an outsider in Donostia. I would always be American, not Spanish or Basque. Therein lies the point of studying abroad: to be an outsider, to learn what that means, to appreciate it, and to “do it” to the best of your ability so that you can effectively connect with the city and its people. Studying abroad means using a foreign language, trying foods you’ve never tried, celebrating holidays you haven’t heard of, gaining skills of independence while soaking up the history and culture of your host country. It should be uncomfortable in many ways, since so much of it is novel.

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A Christian Reflection on Study Abroad

When people talk about their study abroad experiences, the most common topics are places to visit, to shop, to eat, and to have fun. A less common topic is religion and where you can find a community that shares your faith in a new country. One of my 2020 resolutions before setting off to Madrid was to get closer to God. Admittedly, I didn’t do my due diligence. I didn’t look up a single church or community in Madrid where I could practice my Christian faith. Instead, once I got to Spain, most of my time was spent with friends–eating, drinking, going clubbing on some weekends or in my bedroom. None of this helped me grow my faith. Instead I was heavily distracted, engaging in activities to fit in with others in my program and almost always feeling guilty afterward. To make matters worse academic life was being repeatedly disrupted by major depressive episodes. Many nights I fell asleep exhausted from sobbing, feeling the distance between me and God growing further and further. And like a plot straight from a horror movie, the virus quickly reached and took over Spain. A sense of great fear swept over everyone. Sanitizers and masks that were readily available just a week prior were sold out and merchants couldn’t tell us when they’d be back in stock. Ultimately, my time in Spain came to an abrupt halt and I left Spain in the same spiritual place I had been in before arriving. Most of my deepened faith journey happened after I got back home. However, that doesn’t have to be you. For this reason, I have compiled a short list of churches in the Madrid area that might be useful to anyone going abroad who wants to still be involved in a community of believers. 

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Spanish Exchange Trip – A Pivotal Experience

When I was a senior in high school I got the opportunity to participate in an exchange program. I lived in San Sebastian, Spain for two weeks with a host family, and also hosted the student I lived with in Spain at my Massachusetts home for two weeks. Although my experience was in high school, I believe it can relate to UMass students who are nervous about going abroad – they may not want to miss a semester in Amherst, or spend time away from their college friends. However, I would encourage any student, especially Spanish and Portuguese majors, to study abroad and live with a host family if they have the opportunity to. I truly feel that it is the best way to immerse yourself in a different language and culture. Additionally, traveling abroad and living with a host family served as a pivotal moment in my life. I had planned to study abroad during my Sophomore year at UMass, however because of the Covid-19 pandemic I wasn’t able to. Below is an essay I wrote my freshman year at UMass that dives deeper into my experience. 

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American Student Takes Classes in Spain

I want to share with you my experience taking classes in Spain. In the summer of 2021 I had the opportunity to embark on a journey with other UMass students through the Salamanca Summer program. To provide some context I’ll start off by saying I was really excited to study abroad because this was my last summer before graduating. I would not have another opportunity to do so once the academic year started. Secondly I’d also like to share that although I am bilingual and familiar with the language, this was my first time travelling to Europe. I hope as you read my experience, you are encouraged to also participate in this beautiful adventure and get out of your comfort zone.

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Study Abroad in the Future.

When I was younger, I remember daydreaming about studying abroad and wondering what going to school in a different country would be like. However, now that I have the opportunity I’ve felt completely overwhelmed by the idea. I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go or if I even liked the idea of living in a foreign country for an extended period of time without anyone, I knew near me. I’m very much a home body and feel safe in what is familiar so for me it would be a very big step. However, part of the study abroad experience is to step out of you comfort zone, meet new people, and be independent.

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Traveling in the Summer of 2021

Studying abroad in the midst of a pandemic was a bold choice. I’ll admit, I didn’t believe I was actually going until I was sitting on the plane. Even then, I was hyper aware that the trip could be cut short in a moment’s notice and I’d be sent back home. I was keeping up to date with all of the restrictions and regulations of Spain and the United States every single day, hoping that with the rolling out of the vaccine and better management of cases I was safe to travel. Obviously, I was traveling to Spain out of pure indulgence and luxury. There wasn’t a need for me to go. I am so aware of the privilege I had to safely travel in the summer of 2021. For this, I was keen on following all mandates and regulations of the area. 

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Go travel

Before you read through this entire blog, this could be your sign, so do yourself a favor right now and go for it. 

Go for what? 

Go travel. 

Before coming to UMass, all I would think about was traveling and studying abroad. I didn’t just want to go to Spain; I needed to go to Spain. For most people, studying abroad is something that is on the back burner. Many think they can just wait until Junior or Senior year. While this is a great way to plan, and I encourage you to plan like this as well, if the opportunity arises, and you feel within you that you should do it, do it.  

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Studying in Salamanca

My integrative experience involved studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain, where I took three Spanish classes at the University of Salamanca. When I think back to my time here, it doesn’t seem real. It seems like a dream, like I lived another life. It seems like I was placed into another world with a completely different culture, but somehow it became normal to me, until I was routinely living as though this was home to me. I miss the commotion at night in the Plaza Mayor, the home cooked meals by my host mother, and the way the sun glistens on the buildings of gold. There was so much beauty all around me, I hope others will take the opportunity to experience this as well.

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To Eat or Not to Eat

In July of 2021, I finally had the opportunity to travel to Spain. After many years of longing, I was incredibly eager to go. I knew that I was in for a culture shock, despite having previous knowledge about Spanish culture. There’s nothing comparable to an immersive experience that would prepare you for living in a stranger’s home and adapting to their norms. 

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