
By participating in this course you have the opportunity to either an ISTE Certificate of Participation or a 10 PDP Certificate (for teachers in Massachusetts).

In order to earn one of these certificates, you must complete all of the course activities. In some of the course learning activities, there will be three levels offered (novice, intermediate, and high flyer) to better meet your needs, interests, and comfort level with digital media. To earn an ISTE Certification of Participation you will need to complete 2 levels. To earn a PDP Certificate (for teachers in Massachusetts), you will need to complete all 3 levels.

ISTE Certificate of Participation

The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) is the premier nonprofit organization serving educators and education leaders committed to empowering connected learners in a connected world. ISTE serves more than 100,000 education stakeholders throughout the world. Earning the ISTE Certificate of Participation is a great way to show current or future employers that you are interested in using technology to enhance your teaching and student learning.