NECPhon 2011



5th Northeast Computational Phonology Meeting

October 15th, 2011 – New Haven Connecticut

The Northeast Computational Phonology Workshop (NECPHON) is an
informal gathering of scholars working on or interested in any aspect
of computational phonology. A good portion of the research in this
field is being done right here in the Northeast. The aim of
this meeting is bring these scholars together to present and discuss
their research on a regular
(annual) basis. This is the fifth annual meeting of NECPHON. For
information on previous years’ meetings please visit this page put
together by Joe Pater.

When: Saturday, October 15th [schedule]
Where: William L. Harkness Hall, room 119, 100 Wall St., Yale
University, New Haven (google map)
Workshop Organizer: Gaja Jarosz [gaja <dot> jarosz
<at> yale <dot> edu] with help from Yale graduate
students: Shira Calamaro, Sara Sanchez-Alonso, Jen Runds, Sabina
Matyiku, Sean Gleason, Leandro Bolanos, Emily Gasser, and Mike Freedman
Parking: Please see the Parking
. Parking is free at most university lots on weekends. The
closest lot is lot 51 in zone B; You can use lots 78 in zone B and 22
in zone A if lot 51 is full.

All are welcome to attend the meeting. If you plan on attending,
please send an email to the workshop
organizer, Gaja
, so that we can make sure to include you on
future updates and can plan accordingly for food and refreshments.

Tentative Schedule of Talks

10:30am 11:00am Coffee
Session 1 – Chair: Gaja Jarosz
11:00am 11:25am Paul Smolensky (JHU) Using Harmonic Grammar in
Performance Theory: Explaining Phonological Production
11:25am 11:50am Claire Bowern & Tyler Lau (Yale) Computational Phylogenetics and the Number of Tasmanian Languages
11:50am 12:15pm Crystal Akers (Rutgers) Learning a Paradigmatic Equal
12:15pm 12:45pm Lunch
Session 2 – Chair: Joe Pater
12:45pm 1:10pm Frans Adriaans (Penn) The Induction of OCP-Place Using Statistical Learning and Feature-Based Generalization
1:10pm 1:35pm Christo Kirov (JHU) Using Information Theory to Predict Online Variation in Speech Production
1:35pm 2:00pm Shira Calamaro (Yale) Alternations in Phonological Acquisition
2:00pm 2:15pm Coffee
Session 3 – Chair: Bruce Tesar
2:15pm 2:40pm Kristine Yu (UMD and UMass) The Learnability of Tones from the Speech Signal [slides]
2:40pm 3:05pm Jeffrey Heinz (Delaware) Culminativity Times Harmony Equals Unbounded Stress Patterns [slides]
3:05pm 3:30pm Robert Staubs (UMass) Learning-Based Biases in Quantity-Insensitive Stress
3:30pm 3:50pm Coffee
Session 4 – Chair: Naomi Feldman
3:50pm 4:15pm Bruce Tesar (Rutgers) Expressing (most of) Phonotactic Knowledge as Contrast [slides]
4:15pm 4:40pm Jason Riggle (U Chicago) Using Distributional Similarity for Unsupervised Learning of Non-local Phonotactics
4:40pm 5:05pm Kyle Gorman (Penn) Against Lexical Phonotactics
5:05pm 5:25pm Coffee
Session 5 – Chair: Jeffrey Heinz
5:25pm 5:50pm Regine Lai (Delaware) Constraining Phonology Computationally: Experimental Evidence [slides]
5:50pm 6:15pm Jason Naradowsky (UMass) Online Error-Driven Constraint Induction for Log-linear Models of Phonotactic Grammar
6:15pm 6:40pm Colin Wilson (JHU) Bayesian Inference for Noisy Harmonic Grammar
6:40pm 7:00pm Organizational Meeting

This year’s meeting is generously sponsored by Yale’s Sigma Xi Distinguished Visitor Fund.