
I just received the first phase of our application today from Baby Friendly USA.  It looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us but the end results will be well worth it.  I will be meeting with the Director of Nursing and the In-patient Manager next week to start completing the Self-Appraisal tool.  In addition to the Self-Appraisal tool, I will need to obtain a letter of support from our CEO and complete the pathway application.  Then we can move on to the next phase; the Development phase.

2 thoughts on “Update-BFHI

  1. mphn

    Thank you so much for the update, Tracy. I enjoy hearing about the series of steps you are taking as you move through the implementation of your practicum. – Dr. Patsy

  2. Nancy Cohen

    Sounds like much to do, Tracy, but very worthwhile in the end! Keep us posted!
    Dr C

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