Dining with Diabetes

We’ve started an evening class at the Center at Spring Street. Last Thursday about 12 people came for the introduction and registration. I helped people do A1c tests and also used the blood pressure machine. As a dietitian and diabetes educator, I don’t usually touch much more than an hand or finger of clients. To do BPs, I felt like I had to get all up in their armpits to wrap the cuff around at the right place! So many people had such large upper arms, it was good we had 2 cuff sizes. Not sure how accurate the readings were, many said they were higher than usual, but I guess we’ll control for operator error if I do it again in the fall at the final class.
August 12th is the final class for my first group. Looking forward to seeing them all and hoping to see progress when we re-measure A1c, BP, and WC. I’ll analyze the data for my presentation. August 5th I travel to Penn State main campus where the Cooperative Extension main nutrition office is and meet with Julie Cooper who manages all the data from the DWD programs all over the state. I’ll also meet with my supervisor, Jill and she will complete the paperwork for this practicum. Everything is just moving along nicely, what a relief!

One thought on “Dining with Diabetes

  1. ncohen

    Looks like all went smoothly, Kim – great! I hope you can detect a difference in A1C, BP and WC. Do you think there might be other benefits that you are not measuring? I look forward to hearing about the data and your presentation soon!
    Dr C

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