The case of Maldon
During an Independent Study on the Battle of Maldon this week, we noticed that in lines 109 and 110, the weapons of war were named in the third lift. The verbs were in the fourth:
grimme gegrundene garas fleogan
bogan wæran bysige bord ord onfeng .
A lift is another term for one of the four heavily weighted syllables in the OE poetic line. Whether some have more semantic force than others is a question raised by Professor Smirnitskaya of Moscow State University. Her student, Dr. Ilya Sverdlov of the Helsinki Institute of Advanced Study, gave a terrific paper on lifts and semantic force here at UMass many years ago.
I wrote a program to extract the third lift from every line. Recall that every OE poetic line has four major stresses, a caesura between the second and third stress, and alliteration across the caesura.
The program is in Python. For each line of the poem:
I remove OE stop-words
divide a line into half-lines (called the a-line and the b-line)
take the first letter of each word in the a-line in order to establish a pattern of alliteration in the b-line
return the third lift
At the moment, the third lift is unformatted. But I’d like to format it in color if it’s an alliterated lift. That’s for later. Also for later is adding some functionality so that this program can retrieve any lift from any poem along with the part of speech of that lift (e.g. “garas”, noun plural). First, the results. Then, the code. NB. Some of the results are inaccurate—I’ve marked those with a Kleene star.
1 ['not', 'line'], ['brocen', 'wurde.'] brocen
2 ['het', 'hyssa', 'hwæne'], ['hors', 'forlætan,'] hors
3 ['feor', 'afysan'], ['forð', 'gangan,'] forð
4 ['hicgan', 'handum'], ['hige', 'godum.'] hige
5 ['offan', 'mæg'], ['ærest', 'onfunde'] onfunde*
6 ['eorl', 'nolde'], ['yrhðo', 'geþolian,'] yrhðo
7 ['let', 'handon'], ['leofne', 'fleogan'] leofne
8 ['hafoc', 'holtes'], ['hilde', 'stop.'] hilde
9 ['man', 'mihte', 'oncnawan'], ['cniht', 'nolde'] cniht
10 ['wacian', 'wige'], ['wæpnum', 'feng.'] wæpnum
11 ['wolde', 'eadric'], ['ealdre', 'gelæstan'] ealdre
12 ['frean', 'gefeohte;'], ['ongan', 'forð', 'beran'] forð
13 ['gar', 'guþe.'], ['hæfde', 'god', 'geþanc'] god
14 ['handum'], ['healdan', 'mihte'] healdan
15 ['bord', 'brad', 'swurd;'], ['beot', 'gelæste'] beot
16 ['ætforan', 'frean'], ['feohtan', 'sceolde.'] feohtan
17 ['þær', 'byrhtnoð', 'ongan'], ['beornas', 'trymian,'] beornas
18 ['rad', 'rædde,'], ['rincum', 'tæhte'] rincum
19 ['hu', 'sceoldon', 'standan'], ['þone', 'stede', 'healdan'] stede
20 ['bæd', 'hyra', 'randas'], ['rihte', 'heoldon'] rihte
21 ['fæste', 'folman'], ['forhtedon', 'na.'] forhtedon
22 ['hæfde', 'folc'], ['fægere', 'getrymmed,'] fægere
23 ['lihte', 'leodon'], ['þær', 'leofost', 'wæs,'] leofost
24 ['þær', 'heorðwerod'], ['holdost', 'wiste.'] holdost
25 ['stod', 'stæðe,'], ['stiðlice', 'clypode'] stiðlice
26 ['wicinga', 'ar,'], ['wordum', 'mælde;'] wordum
27 ['beot', 'abead'], ['brimliþendra'] brimliþendra
28 ['ærænde', 'eorle'], ['þær', 'ofre', 'stod:'] þær*
29 ['sendon'], ['sæmen', 'snelle,'] sæmen
30 ['heton', 'secgan'], ['most', 'sendan', 'raðe'] sendan
31 ['beagas', 'gebeorge;'], ['betere', 'is'] betere
32 ['þisne', 'garræs'], ['gafole', 'forgyldon'] gafole
33 ['þonne', 'hearde'], ['hilde', 'dælon.'] hilde
34 ['þurfe', 'spillan'], ['spedaþ', 'þam;'] spedaþ
35 ['willað', 'golde'], ['grið', 'fæstnian.'] grið
36 ['gyf', 'gerædest'], ['her', 'ricost', 'eart'] her
37 ['þine', 'leoda'], ['lysan', 'wille,'] lysan
38 ['syllan', 'sæmannum'], ['hyra', 'sylfra', 'dom'] sylfra
39 ['feoh', 'freode'], ['niman', 'frið', 'us,'] frið
40 ['willaþ', 'sceattum'], ['scype', 'gangan,'] scype
41 ['flot', 'feran'], ['friþes', 'healdan.'] friþes
42 ['byrhtnoð', 'maþelode,'], ['bord', 'hafenode,'] bord
43 ['wand', 'wacne', 'æsc,'], ['wordum', 'mælde,'] wordum
44 ['yrre', 'anræd'], ['ageaf', 'andsware:'] ageaf
45 ['gehyrst', 'þu,', 'sælida,'], ['folc', 'segeð?'] segeð*
46 ['willað', 'gafole'], ['garas', 'syllan'] garas
47 ['ættrynne', 'ord'], ['ealde', 'swurd,'] ealde
48 ['heregeatu'], ['hilde', 'deah.'] hilde
49 ['brimmanna', 'boda,'], ['abeod', 'ongean:'] abeod
50 ['sege', 'þinum', 'leodum'], ['miccle', 'laþre', 'spell,'] laþre
51 ['her', 'stynt', 'unforcuð'], ['eorl', 'werode'] eorl
52 ['wile', 'gealgean'], ['eþel', 'þysne,'] eþel
53 ['æþelredes', 'eard'], ['ealdres', 'mines'] ealdres
54 ['folc', 'foldan.'], ['feallan', 'sceolon'] feallan
55 ['hæþene', 'hilde!'], ['heanlic', 'þinceð'] heanlic
56 ['urum', 'sceattum'], ['scype', 'gangon'] scype
57 ['unbefohtene,'], ['þus', 'feor', 'hider'] þus*
58 ['urne', 'eard'], ['becomon.'] becomon*
59 ['sceole', 'softe'], ['sinc', 'gegangan;'] sinc
60 ['sceal', 'ord', 'ecg'], ['geseman'] geseman
61 ['grim', 'guðplega'], ['gofol', 'syllon.'] gofol
62 ['het', 'bord', 'beran,'], ['beornas', 'gangan'] beornas
63 ['easteðe'], ['ealle', 'stodon.'] ealle
64 ['mihte', 'þær', 'wætere'], ['werod', 'oðrum;'] werod
65 ['þær', 'com', 'flowende'], ['flod', 'ebban,'] flod
66 ['lucon', 'lagustreamas.'], ['lang', 'þuhte'] lang
67 ['hwænne', 'togædere'], ['garas', 'beron.'] garas
68 ['þær', 'pantan', 'stream'], ['prasse', 'bestodon'] prasse
69 ['eastseaxena', 'ord'], ['æschere.'] æschere.
70 ['mihte', 'hyra', 'ænig'], ['oþrum', 'derian'] oþrum
71 ['flanes', 'flyht'], ['fyl', 'gename.'] fyl
72 ['flod', 'ut', 'gewat.'], ['flotan', 'stodon', 'gearowe'] flotan
73 ['wicinga', 'fela,'], ['wiges', 'georne.'] wiges
74 ['het', 'hæleða', 'hleo'], ['healdan', 'bricge'] healdan
75 ['wigan', 'wigheardne,'], ['wæs', 'haten', 'wulfstan,'] wæs
76 ['cafne', 'cynne;'], ['wæs', '?eolan', 'sunu'] ?eolan
77 ['ðone', 'forman', 'man'], ['francan', 'ofsceat'] francan
78 ['þær', 'baldlicost'], ['bricge', 'stop.'] bricge
79 ['þær', 'stodon', 'wulfstane'], ['wigan', 'unforhte,'] wigan
80 ['ælfere', 'maccus,'], ['modige', 'twegen,'] modige
81 ['noldon', 'forda'], ['fleam', 'gewyrcan,'] fleam
82 ['fæstlice'], ['fynd', 'weredon'] fynd
83 ['wæpna'], ['wealdan', 'moston.'] wealdan
84 ['ongeaton'], ['georne', 'gesawon'] georne
85 ['þær', 'bricgweardas'], ['bitere', 'fundon,'] bitere
86 ['ongunnon', 'lytegian'], ['laðe', 'gystas:'] laðe
87 ['bædon', 'upgang'], ['agan', 'moston,'] agan
88 ['þone', 'ford', 'faran,'], ['feþan', 'lædan.'] feþan
89 ['eorl', 'ongan'], ['ofermode'] ofermode
90 ['alyfan', 'landes', 'fela'], ['laþere', 'ðeode.'] laþere
91 ['ongan', 'ceallian'], ['cald', 'wæter'] cald
92 ['byrhtelmes', 'bearn'], ['beornas', 'gehlyston:'] beornas
93 ['is', 'gerymed;'], ['gað', 'ricene', 'us,'] gað
94 ['guman', 'guþe.'], ['god', 'ana', 'wat'] god
95 ['wælstowe'], ['wealdan', 'mote.'] wealdan
96 ['wodon', 'wælwulfas'], ['wætere', 'murnon,'] wætere
97 ['wicinga', 'werod'], ['west', 'pantan,'] west
98 ['scir', 'wæter'], ['scyldas', 'wegon,'] scyldas
99 ['lidmen', 'lande'], ['linde', 'bæron.'] linde
100 ['þær', 'ongean', 'gramum'], ['gearowe', 'stodon'] gearowe
101 ['byrhtnoð', 'beornum;'], ['bordum', 'het'] bordum
102 ['wyrcan', 'þone', 'wihagan'], ['werod', 'healdan'] werod
103 ['fæste', 'feondum.'], ['wæs', 'feohte', 'neh'] feohte
104 ['tir', 'getohte.'], ['wæs', 'tid', 'cumen'] tid
105 ['þær', 'fæge', 'men'], ['feallan', 'sceoldon.'] feallan
106 ['þær', 'wearð', 'hream', 'ahafen.'], ['hremmas', 'wundon,'] hremmas
107 ['earn', 'æses', 'georn.'], ['wæs', 'eorþan', 'cyrm.'] eorþan
108 ['leton', 'folman'], ['feolhearde', 'speru,'] feolhearde
109 ['gegrundene'], ['garas', 'fleogan.'] garas
110 ['bogan', 'wæron', 'bysige;'], ['bord', 'ord', 'onfeng.'] bord
111 ['biter', 'wæs', 'beaduræs.'], ['beornas', 'feollon'] beornas
112 ['gehwæðere', 'hand,'], ['hyssas', 'lagon.'] hyssas
113 ['wund', 'wearð', 'wulfmær,'], ['wælræste', 'geceas'] wælræste
114 ['byrhtnoðes', 'mæg;'], ['billum', 'wearð'] billum
115 ['swuster', 'sunu'], ['swiðe', 'forheawen.'] swiðe
116 ['þær', 'wearð', 'wicingum'], ['wiþerlean', 'agyfen.'] wiþerlean
117 ['gehyrde', 'eadweard'], ['anne', 'sloge'] anne
118 ['swiðe', 'swurde,'], ['swenges', 'wyrnde'] swenges
119 ['fotum', 'feoll'], ['fæge', 'cempa.'] fæge
120 ['ðeoden'], ['þanc', 'gesæde'] þanc
121 ['burþene'], ['byre', 'hæfde.'] byre
122 ['stemnetton'], ['stiðhicgende'] stiðhicgende
123 ['hysas', 'hilde;'], ['hogodon', 'georne'] hogodon
124 ['þær', 'orde'], ['ærost', 'mihte'] ærost
125 ['fægean', 'men'], ['feorh', 'gewinnan,'] feorh
126 ['wigan', 'wæpnum.'], ['wæl', 'feol', 'eorðan.'] wæl
127 ['stodon', 'stædefæste;'], ['stihte', 'byrhtnoð,'] stihte
128 ['bæd', 'hyssa', 'gehwylc'], ['hogode', 'wige'] hogode
129 ['denon', 'wolde'], ['dom', 'gefeohtan.'] dom
130 ['wod', 'wiges', 'heard,'], ['wæpen', 'up', 'ahof,'] wæpen
131 ['bord', 'gebeorge,'], ['beornes', 'stop.'] beornes
132 ['eode', 'anræd'], ['eorl', 'ceorle;'] eorl
133 ['ægþer', 'hyra', 'oðrum'], ['yfeles', 'hogode.'] hogode*
134 ['sende', 'særinc'], ['suþerne', 'gar'] suþerne
135 ['gewundod', 'wearð'], ['wigena', 'hlaford.'] wigena
136 ['sceaf', 'scylde'], ['sceaft', 'tobærst'] sceaft
137 ['spere', 'sprengde'], ['sprang', 'ongean.'] sprang
138 ['gegremod', 'wearð', 'guðrinc;'], ['gare', 'stang'] gare
139 ['wlancne', 'wicing'], ['wunde', 'forgeaf.'] wunde
140 ['frod', 'wæs', 'fyrdrinc:'], ['let', 'francan', 'wadan'] francan
141 ['hysses', 'hals,'], ['hand', 'wisode'] hand
142 ['færsceaðan'], ['feorh', 'geræhte.'] feorh
143 ['oþerne'], ['ofstlice', 'sceat'] ofstlice
144 ['byrne', 'tobærst;'], ['wæs', 'breostum', 'wund'] breostum
145 ['hringlocan;'], ['heortan', 'stod'] heortan
146 ['ætterne', 'ord.'], ['eorl', 'wæs', 'bliþra;'] eorl
147 ['hloh', 'modi', 'man,'], ['sæde', 'metode', 'þanc'] metode
148 ['dægweorces'], ['drihten', 'forgeaf.'] drihten
149 ['forlet', 'drenga'], ['daroð', 'handa'] daroð
150 ['fleogan', 'folman'], ['forð', 'gewat'] forð
151 ['ðone', 'æþelan'], ['æþelredes', 'þegen.'] æþelredes
152 ['healfe', 'stod'], ['hyse', 'unweaxen,'] hyse
153 ['cniht', 'gecampe,'], ['full', 'caflice'] caflice
154 ['bræd', 'beorne'], ['blodigne', 'gar,'] blodigne
155 ['wulfstanes', 'bearn,'], ['wulfmær', 'geonga'] wulfmær
156 ['forlet', 'forheardne'], ['faran', 'ongean;'] faran
157 ['ord', 'gewod'], ['eorþan', 'læg'] eorþan
158 ['þeoden'], ['þearle', 'geræhte.'] þearle
159 ['eode', 'gesyrwed'], ['secg', 'eorle;'] eorle;
160 ['wolde', 'beornes'], ['beagas', 'gefetigan'] beagas
161 ['reaf', 'hringas'], ['gerenod', 'swurd.'] gerenod
162 ['byrhtnoð', 'bræd'], ['bill', 'sceðe'] bill
163 ['brad', 'bruneccg'], ['byrnan', 'sloh.'] byrnan
164 ['raþe', 'hine', 'gelette'], ['lidmanna'] lidmanna
165 ['eorles'], ['earm', 'amyrde.'] earm
166 ['feoll', 'foldan'], ['fealohilte', 'swurd;'] fealohilte
167 ['mihte', 'gehealdan'], ['heardne', 'mece,'] heardne,
168 ['wæpnes', 'wealdan.'], ['gyt', 'word', 'gecwæð'] word
169 ['har', 'hilderinc,'], ['hyssas', 'bylde,'] hyssas
170 ['bæd', 'gangan', 'forð'], ['gode', 'geferan;'] gode
171 ['mihte', 'fotum', 'leng'], ['fæste', 'gestandan.'] fæste
172 ['heofenum', 'wlat:'], ['no', 'half', 'line'] half
173 ['geþancie', 'þe,'], ['ðeoda', 'waldend,'] ðeoda
174 ['ealra', 'þæra', 'wynna'], ['worulde', 'gebad.'] worulde
175 ['ah,', 'milde', 'metod,'], ['mæste', 'þearfe'] mæste
176 ['minum', 'gaste'], ['godes', 'geunne'] godes
177 ['sawul'], ['siðian', 'mote'] siðian
178 ['geweald,'], ['þeoden', 'engla,'] þeoden
179 ['friþe', 'feran.'], ['eom', 'frymdi'] frymdi
180 ['helsceaðan'], ['hynan', 'moton.'] hynan
181 ['hine', 'heowon'], ['hæðene', 'scealcas'] hæðene
182 ['begen', 'beornas'], ['big', 'stodon:'] big
183 ['ælfnoð', 'wulmær'], ['begen', 'lagon'] begen
184 ['onemn', 'hyra', 'frean'], ['feorh', 'gesealdon.'] feorh
185 ['bugon', 'beaduwe'], ['þær', 'beon', 'noldon.'] beon
186 ['þær', 'wearð', 'oddan', 'bearn'], ['ærest', 'fleame'] ærest
187 ['godric', 'guþe'], ['þone', 'godan', 'forlet'] godan
188 ['mænigne'], ['mearh', 'gesealde.'] mearh
189 ['gehleop', 'þone', 'eoh'], ['ahte', 'hlaford'] ahte
190 ['gerædum'], ['riht', 'wæs,'] riht
191 ['broðru'], ['begen', 'ærndon,'] begen
192 ['godwine', 'godwig'], ['guþe', 'gymdon,'] guþe
193 ['wendon', 'wige'], ['þone', 'wudu', 'sohton,'] wudu
194 ['flugon', 'fæsten'], ['hyra', 'feore', 'burgon,'] feore
195 ['manna', 'ma'], ['þonne', 'ænig', 'mæð', 'wære'] mæð
196 ['gyf', 'geearnunga'], ['ealle', 'gemundon'] gemundon
197 ['duguþe'], ['gedon', 'hæfde.'] gedon
198 ['offa', 'dæg'], ['asæde'] asæde
199 ['meþelstede'], ['gemot', 'hæfde'] gemot
200 ['þær', 'modiglice'], ['manega', 'spræcon'] manega
201 ['þearfe'], ['þolian', 'noldon.'] þolian
202 ['wearð', 'afeallen'], ['folces', 'ealdor,'] folces
203 ['æþelredes', 'eorl;'], ['ealle', 'gesawon'] ealle
204 ['heorðgeneatas'], ['hyra', 'heorra', 'læg.'] hyra
205 ['ðær', 'wendon', 'forð'], ['wlance', 'þegenas,'] wlance
206 ['unearge', 'men'], ['efston', 'georne;'] efston
207 ['woldon', 'ealle'], ['oðer', 'twega,'] oðer
208 ['lif', 'forlætan'], ['oððe', 'leofne', 'gewrecan.'] leofne
209 ['bylde', 'forð'], ['bearn', 'ælfrices,'] bearn
210 ['wiga', 'wintrum', 'geong'], ['wordum', 'mælde;'] wordum
211 ['ælfwine', 'cwæð,'], ['ellen', 'spræc:'] ellen
212 ['gemunon', 'mæla'], ['meodo', 'spræcon,'] meodo
213 ['þonne', 'bence'], ['beot', 'ahofon'] beot
214 ['hæleð', 'healle,'], ['heard', 'gewinn.'] heard
215 ['mæg', 'cunnian'], ['cene', 'sy.'] cene
216 ['wylle', 'mine', 'æþelo'], ['eallum', 'gecyþan,'] eallum
217 ['wæs', 'myrcon'], ['miccles', 'cynnes:'] miccles
218 ['wæs', 'ealda', 'fæder'], ['ealhelm', 'haten,'] ealhelm
219 ['wis', 'ealdorman'], ['woruldgesælig.'] woruldgesælig.
220 ['sceolon', 'þeode'], ['þegenas', 'ætwitan'] þegenas
221 ['fyrde'], ['feran', 'wille,'] feran
222 ['eard', 'gesecan,'], ['ealdor', 'ligeð'] ealdor
223 ['forheawen', 'hilde.'], ['is', 'hearma', 'mæst:'] hearma
224 ['wæs', 'ægþer', 'mæg'], ['hlaford.'] hlaford.
225 ['forð', 'eode,'], ['fæhðe', 'gemunde,'] fæhðe
226 ['orde'], ['anne', 'geræhte'] anne
227 ['flotan', 'folce,'], ['foldan', 'læg'] foldan
228 ['forwegen', 'wæpne.'], ['ongan', 'winas', 'manian'] winas
229 ['frynd', 'geferan'], ['forð', 'eodon.'] forð
230 ['offa', 'gemælde,'], ['æscholt', 'asceoc:'] æscholt
231 ['þu,', 'ælfwine,', 'hafast'], ['ealle', 'gemanode'] ealle
232 ['þegenas', 'þearfe,'], ['þeoden', 'lið'] þeoden
233 ['eorl', 'eorðan.'], ['is', 'eallum', 'þearf'] eallum
234 ['æghwylc'], ['oþerne', 'bylde'] oþerne
235 ['wigan', 'wige'], ['wæpen', 'mæge'] wæpen
236 ['habban', 'healdan'], ['heardne', 'mece,'] heardne
237 ['gar', 'god', 'swurd.'], ['godric', 'hæfð,'] godric
238 ['earh', 'oddan', 'bearn,'], ['ealle', 'beswicene.'] ealle
239 ['wende', 'formoni', 'man,'], ['meare', 'rad'] meare
240 ['wlancan', 'wicge,'], ['wære', 'hlaford;'] wære
241 ['wearð', 'her', 'felda'], ['folc', 'totwæmed,'] folc
242 ['scyldburh', 'tobrocen.'], ['abreoðe', 'angin,'] abreoðe
243 ['her', 'manigne'], ['man', 'aflymde!'] man
244 ['leofsunu', 'gemælde'], ['linde', 'ahof,'] linde
245 ['bord', 'gebeorge;'], ['beorne', 'oncwæð:'] beorne
246 ['gehate'], ['heonon', 'nelle'] heonon
247 ['fleon', 'fotes', 'trym,'], ['wille', 'furðor', 'gan,'] furðor
248 ['wrecan', 'gewinne'], ['winedrihten.'] winedrihten.
249 ['þurfon', 'embe', 'sturmere'], ['stedefæste', 'hælæð'] stedefæste
250 ['wordum', 'ætwitan,'], ['wine', 'gecranc,'] wine
251 ['hlafordleas'], ['ham', 'siðie,'] ham
252 ['wende', 'wige,'], ['sceal', 'wæpen', 'niman'] wæpen
253 ['ord', 'iren.'], ['ful', 'yrre', 'wod,'] ful
254 ['feaht', 'fæstlice,'], ['fleam', 'forhogode.'] fleam
255 ['dunnere', 'cwæð,'], ['daroð', 'acwehte'] daroð
256 ['unorne', 'ceorl,'], ['eall', 'clypode,'] clypode,
257 ['bæd', 'beorna', 'gehwylc'], ['byrhtnoð', 'wræce:'] byrhtnoð
258 ['mæg', 'na', 'wandian'], ['wrecan', 'þenceð'] wrecan
259 ['frean', 'folce,'], ['feore', 'murnan.'] feore
260 ['forð', 'eodon,'], ['feores', 'rohton.'] feores
261 ['ongunnon', 'hiredmen'], ['heardlice', 'feohtan'] heardlice
262 ['grame', 'garberend'], ['god', 'bædon'] god
263 ['moston', 'gewrecan'], ['hyra', 'winedrihten'] hyra
264 ['hyra', 'feondum'], ['fyl', 'gewyrcan.'] fyl
265 ['gysel', 'ongan'], ['geornlice', 'fylstan:'] geornlice
266 ['wæs', 'norðhymbron'], ['heardes', 'cynnes,'] heardes
267 ['ecglafes', 'bearn,'], ['wæs', 'æscferð', 'nama.'] æscferð
268 ['wandode', 'na'], ['wigplegan,'] wigplegan,
269 ['fysde', 'forð'], ['flan', 'genehe.'] flan
270 ['hwilon', 'bord', 'sceat,'], ['hwilon', 'beorn', 'tæsde;'] hwilon
271 ['æfre', 'embe', 'stunde'], ['sealde', 'wunde'] sealde
272 ['wæpna'], ['wealdan', 'moste.'] wealdan
273 ['gyt', 'orde', 'stod'], ['eadweard', 'langa,'] eadweard
274 ['gearo', 'geornful'], ['gylpwordum', 'spræc'] gylpwordum
275 ['nolde', 'fleogan'], ['fotmæl', 'landes,'] fotmæl
276 ['bæc', 'bugan'], ['betera', 'leg.'] betera
277 ['bræc', 'þone', 'bordweall'], ['beornas', 'feaht'] beornas
278 ['sincgyfan'], ['sæmannum'] sæmannum
279 ['wurðlice', 'wrec'], ['wæle', 'læge.'] wæle
280 ['dyde', 'æþeric,'], ['æþele', 'gefera,'] æþele
281 ['fus', 'forðgeorn'], ['feaht', 'eornoste.'] feaht
282 ['sibyrhtes', 'broðor'], ['swiðe', 'mænig', 'oþer'] swiðe
283 ['clufon', 'cellod', 'bord,'], ['cene', 'weredon.'] cene
284 ['bærst', 'bordes', 'lærig,'], ['byrne', 'sang'] byrne
285 ['gryreleoða', 'sum.'], ['guðe', 'sloh'] guðe
286 ['offa', 'þone', 'sælidan'], ['eorðan', 'feoll,'] eorðan
287 ['ðær', 'gaddes', 'mæg'], ['grund', 'gesohte.'] grund
288 ['raðe', 'wearð', 'hilde'], ['offa', 'forheawen;'] offa
289 ['hæfde', 'geforþod'], ['frean', 'gehet'] gehet
290 ['beotode'], ['beahgifan'] beahgifan
291 ['sceoldon', 'begen'], ['burh', 'ridan'] burh
292 ['hale', 'hame,'], ['oððe', 'here', 'crincgan,'] here
293 ['wælstowe'], ['wundum', 'sweltan;'] wundum
294 ['læg', 'ðegenlice'], ['ðeodne', 'gehende.'] ðeodne
295 ['wearð', 'borda', 'gebræc.'], ['brimmen', 'wodon'] brimmen
296 ['guðe', 'gegremode;'], ['gar', 'þurhwod'] gar
297 ['fæges', 'feorhhus.'], ['forð', 'eode', 'wistan,'] forð
298 ['þurstanes', 'sunu'], ['secgas', 'feaht;'] secgas
299 ['wæs', 'geþrange'], ['hyra', 'þreora', 'bana'] hyra
300 ['wigelmes', 'bearn'], ['wæle', 'læge.'] wæle
301 ['þær', 'wæs', 'stið', 'gemot.'], ['stodon', 'fæste'] stodon
302 ['wigan', 'gewinne.'], ['wigend', 'cruncon'] wigend
303 ['wundum', 'werige.'], ['wæl', 'feol', 'eorþan.'] wæl
304 ['oswold', 'eadwold'], ['ealle'] ealle
305 ['begen', 'gebroþru'], ['beornas', 'trymedon,'] beornas
306 ['hyra', 'winemagas'], ['wordon', 'bædon'] wordon
307 ['þær', 'ðearfe'], ['þolian', 'sceoldon,'] þolian
308 ['unwaclice'], ['wæpna', 'neotan.'] wæpna
309 ['byrhtwold', 'maþelode,'], ['bord', 'hafenode'] bord
310 ['wæs', 'eald', 'geneat,'], ['æsc', 'acwehte;'] æsc
311 ['ful', 'baldlice'], ['beornas', 'lærde:'] beornas
312 ['hige', 'sceal', 'heardra,'], ['heorte', 'cenre,'] heorte
313 ['mod', 'sceal', 'mare'], ['mægen', 'lytlað.'] mægen
314 ['her', 'lið', 'ealdor'], ['eall', 'forheawen'] eall
315 ['god', 'greote.'], ['mæg', 'gnornian'] gnornian
316 ['þisum', 'wigplegan'], ['wendan', 'þenceð.'] wendan
317 ['eom', 'frod', 'feores;'], ['wille,'] wille,
318 ['healfe'], ['minum', 'hlaforde,'] hlaforde,
319 ['leofan', 'men'], ['licgan', 'þence.'] licgan
320 ['æþelgares', 'bearn'], ['ealle', 'bylde'] bylde
321 ['godric', 'guþe.'], ['gar', 'forlet'] gar
322 ['wælspere', 'windan'], ['wicingas;'] wicingas;
323 ['folce'], ['fyrmest', 'eode,'] fyrmest
324 ['heow', 'hynde'], ['hilde', 'gecranc.'] hilde
325 ['næs', 'na', 'godric'], ['guðe', 'forbeah'] guðe
And now the code.
First, the list of stop-words in Old English :
& a ac æ æfter ær ære æt after and ba bæm be bi binnan bu butan buton ða ðæm ðære ðæs ðæt ðam ðan ðar ðara ðare ðas ðe ðeah ðenden ðeos ðes ðider ðin ðinre ðis ðisra ðisre ðissa ðisse ðisses ðissum ðon ðrie ðritig ðu ðurh ðy ðys eac eala eft eow eower for forþon forðon forðam forþan
fram from ge gea geo gif git he heo heom heora hi hie hiera him hiora hira hire his hit hwa hwæm hwæs hwæt hwam hwile hwon hwonne hwy ic in inc incer inne iu lice me mec mid midd min minne ne nu oð oðæt oðat oððæt oððat of ofer oft on ond se seo siððan siðþan sum sume swa
swelce swilce swylce sylfa sylfe sylfes sylfum to unc uncer under ure us we wið wit ymbe þa þæm þære þæs þæt þam þan þar þara þare þas þat þe þeah þenden þeos þes þider þin þinre þis þisra þisre þissa þisse þisses þissum þon þu þurh þy þys
def flatten(mylist):
flatlist = []
for x in mylist:
if type(x) == tuple or type(x) == list or type(x) == set:
for y in x:
if type(x) == list:
x = flatten(x)
return flatlist
def get_text(title):
path = 'textsdata/'
lines = []
with open(path + title) as fh:
temp_lines = fh.readlines()
for line in temp_lines:
lines.append(line.rstrip(' \n'))
return lines
def find_lifts(line):
line_returns = []
halflines = line.split('|') # halfines[0] is the a-line, halflines[1] is the b-line
a_half = halflines[0].split()
except IndexError:
a_half = None
b_half = halflines[1].split()
except IndexError:
b_half = None
if a_half:
a_half = halflines[0].split()
if b_half:
b_half = halflines[1].split()
return line_returns
def remove_stopwords(phrase: list):
# use only after loading stopwords in MAIN
phrase_return = []
for word in phrase:
if word not in stopwords:
return flatten(phrase_return)
def get_alliteration(half: list) -> object:
governing_letters = [w2[:1] for w2 in half[0]] # from the first half
for w3 in half[1]:
if w3[:1] in governing_letters:
return w3
with open('textsdata/oe_stopwords.txt', 'r') as fh2:
stopword_temp = fh2.readlines()
stopwords = [w.rstrip('\n') for w in stopword_temp]
maldon_text = get_text('maldon_formatted.txt')
counter = 0
for maldon_line in maldon_text:
counter += 1
this_line = find_lifts(maldon_line)
print(counter, this_line, end='\t\t')
third = get_alliteration(this_line)
if third is None:
third = this_line[1][0]
print(f'{third: >}')
If you would like the formatted text of Maldon please write me.