I found the top 50 words in all the #1 pop hits listed in Billboard magazine from 1965 to 2015.
Unfiltered (including prepositions, conjunctions, etc): [(‘you’, 8353), (‘i’, 7882), (‘the’, 7083), (‘me’, 4277), (‘and’, 4068), (‘a’, 3873), (‘to’, 3869), (‘it’, 3796), (‘my’, 3529), (‘in’, 2650), (‘im’, 2593), (‘that’, 2431), (‘on’, 2224), (‘your’, 2091), (‘up’, 2085), (‘like’, 2054), (‘oh’, 2013), (‘all’, 1759), (‘we’, 1726), (‘dont’, 1619), (‘love’, 1544), (‘be’, 1509), (‘of’, 1471), (‘know’, 1434), (‘for’, 1400), (‘so’, 1308), (‘but’, 1303), (‘is’, 1288), (‘got’, 1282), (‘with’, 1258), (‘just’, 1229), (‘this’, 1197), (‘baby’, 1113), (‘when’, 1073), (‘get’, 1059), (‘its’, 994), (‘no’, 989), (‘now’, 947), (‘yeah’, 944), (‘what’, 933), (‘youre’, 923), (‘can’, 916), (‘go’, 906), (‘if’, 885), (‘do’, 870), (‘wanna’, 858), (‘down’, 826), (’cause’, 769), (‘out’, 767), (‘make’, 746)]
im, like, oh, dont, love, know, got, baby, get, yeah, youre, go, wanna, cause, make, want, girl, never, one, let, see, gonna, aint, cant, la, come, ill, back, time, feel
Then I put them together into (semi-)meaningful lyrics.
I'm like, oh don't love know I got a baby, yeah You're gonna wanna want me Cause you make me, girl, Never be the one to let me see I ain't the one Can't be —la la la— the one to come back. I'll take time to feel it.