

Student Name: Casey Lyons

Graduation Year: 2019

Primary Major: Communication


Internship Title: Marketing Intern

Full-time or part-time? Full-time

Paid or unpaid? Paid


What city and state was your internship located in?

My internship was located in South Deerfield, MA.

How did you get to your internship every day?

I carpooled with other interns.


What did you do as an intern at this organization?

I worked mostly in content creating for the company’s blog and website. This included writing a blog piece, descriptions for client profiles, formatting blog pieces on Word Press, editing images on Adobe Photoshop, researching and completing a competitive landscape analysis, and more. I assisted the senior Marketing Manager on projects but also managed my own projects such as posting to the Pinterest page daily and developing posts for other social media platforms.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

My favorite part of this internship was becoming a true asset to the team, such as being able to attend and speak at the weekly team meetings, going to office parties, and getting to know my coworkers on an individual level. The connections I built have been really crucial to my professional development.

What did you find challenging about your internship?

I think finding a voice in the company was a bit challenging because I didn’t know what my capabilities were as an intern. I felt a little too nervous to speak up and share ideas at times, but I think I got more comfortable as the internship went on.

What skills did you develop through this internship?

Interpersonal communication, professional blog writing, website design and format, and time management.

What advice would you offer to someone who is considering this internship?

My piece of advice would be to get as involved and participatory as possible! Being in an office and working full-time can be a daunting experience. However, it is a wonderful opportunity to make connections and to learn valuable skills! Offer to take on projects, ask questions, go to lunch with your boss – truly make your mark during the time you have there!