Category Archives: Campus Life

Graduation and Congratulations!

By Bella Burbic

As we finish up finals and our classes, I want to congratulate all communication students for another successful semester. We have all persevered through changes and challenges throughout this whole year, and we have managed to come out stronger. There have been some great moments too, and we should all be proud of ourselves and our accomplishments. 

A special shout-out to my fellow seniors, we have come so far. We are at the finish line! As a senior myself, I am feeling many emotions, excited, fearful, proud, uncomfortable, sad, happy, and thankful, are just some of the many. I want to remind everyone to let themselves feel these emotions, because they are extremely natural. Change is hard and scary, but also a chance to allow new sources of happiness into your life. I know that the class of 2022 is going to do great things and can get through tough times, so remember to take it easy on yourself, and to try and enjoy this last week. 

It’s also time to celebrate! The university wide commencement ceremony is Friday, May 13th at McGuirk Alumni Stadium, from 4:30-6:30 pm. The college of Social and Behavioral Sciences graduation, which includes the Communication department, is on Saturday, May 14th at 1:30pm in the Mullins Center. Family and friends are encouraged to attend this graduation and your individual name will be announced. Communication professors and faculty will be attending this celebration as well. 

As I reflect on my experience, I am proud to be a part of the communication department and to have finished my undergrad degree at UMass. Whether you are finishing your first, last or spring semester, a final congratulations and a reminder to finish off strong. The future is bright for us all. Good luck on whatever’s next for you, and a final farewell from your senior Peer Advisors. It was a pleasure working with you and getting to know you!

Motivational Quotes to Get You Through Finals and The End of the Semester

Sarah Walsh

Tomorrow is the last day of classes! Which means finals are starting, and stress and anxiety are ramping up to an all-time high. The end of the semester, especially Spring semester, can bring lots of emotions. For Seniors, it’s saying goodbye to the place they’ve called home for the last 4 years, Juniors are figuring out their summer internships and jobs, Sophomores may be finalizing their choice in major, and Freshmen are returning to the place that is “home” but doesn’t exactly feel like home any more. We know this is an overwhelming time, and we want to give you some motivational quotes to help brighten your day, get you through finals, or just make you feel better since we are all dealing with a lot right now. Motivational quotes are definitely a little cheesy, but I really believe that they work and help people get through hard times, so here are some of my favorites, all from anonymous authors: 

  1. Doing your best looks different every day. 
  2. The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.
  3. You’re not always going to be motivated so you must be disciplined. 
  4. No regrets, just lessons. No worries, just acceptance. No expectations, just gratitude. Life is too short. 
  5. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.
  6. Whatever is going to happen will happen, whether we worry about it or not.
  7. Stop waiting for everything to be perfect to be happy. 
  8. Some endings are sent for new beginnings.
  9. I hope something makes you smile today.
  10. Life is good when you spend it with the people who make your heart happy. 

The end of the semester is in sight, and we hope that you can finish the semester strong, happy and healthy. If the motivational quotes were not enough and you feel you require extra support, don’t hesitate to stop into the peer advising office Monday-Thursday, or make an appointment with a professional advisor on Navigate! 

Let’s Finish This Semester Strong!

By Christine Souaiden

Photo by Philippe Bout on Unsplash

With summer on the horizon and the semester coming to an end, energy levels may be running low. However, It is important that we power through the rest of the semester. Staying focused towards the end is always the most difficult. However, there are multiple ways to keep yourself on track. 

Make sure you know your academic standing in all of your classes. To do so, check your grades on the interfaces that your professors use (Blackboard, Google Classroom, Moodle…). If you do not know how to find your grades online or if grades have not been posted, do not hesitate to reach out to the TAs, or to your professors to get a better gauge at where you stand in your classes. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your classes and future plans, make sure to take a step back and take breaks for your mental health. Friendly reminder, nothing is more important than our health. Take random walks during the day, treat yourself to good food, reward yourself for all your hard work with some ice cream from the local creameries, make fun plans with your friends, and plan it all out to be able to balance your time between breaks and academics.

Some exciting events are going on to help us wrap up the semester nicely. On Thursday May 5th, 2022 from 5-9 pm the 2022 PondFire will be taking place. Gather a group of friends and huddle around one of the fire pits, make good s’mores, and even better memories. Do not forget to register!

The best way to destress is to do something that will make you laugh. What better way to laugh than to hang out with farm animals. On April 26th-27th, at 10am-3pm, on the lawn between Isenberg and the Fine Art Center, sheep from Hadley Farm will be visiting UMass for a day packed with student-led activities and an opportunity to learn about the use of sustainable land on campus. To learn more, visit this website!

The W.E.B Du Bois library hosts a series of final study break activities. Stay up to date by checking their website for new events. The events will be listed under “Libraries Outreach Series.” To list a few, on April 28th, from 7-8pm, the library is hosting a Superhero Bingo night on the 3rd floor. On May 4th, from 7-8 pm, they will be hosting a Star Wars trivia night on the 3rd floor, do not miss out on a chance to win fun prizes!

Spring Happenings at UMass!

By Erin Diacik 

UMass Amherst Establishes New School of Earth and Sustainability | News &  Media Relations

As the daylight lasts longer and the weather starts to get warmer, it’s clear spring has arrived after a long and cold winter! As we begin to register for fall classes, make our summer plans, and wrap up our spring semester, there are plenty of events for us to take advantage of within the department, on campus, and in the surrounding areas. 

On Campus:

  • Check in on your mental health in the campus center auditorium on Tuesday, April 19th from 2-5pm during the Fresh Check Day! The event will feature food, prizes, and giveaways, and is free to all students. 
  • The UMass Football team will take on Stony Brook University on Saturday, April 20th, at 12pm. Come cheer on the Minutemen one last time this year! Admission is free for all students, friends, and families – no tickets are required.
  • Stop by Wilder Hall and join CMASS every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:30pm for the LGBTQ+ Talk Space
  • Located in Isenberg School of Management, Regina Kunzel is featured in this year’s distinguished annual lecture on psychiatry and the archives of modern sexuality. This event will take place on Thursday, April 21 at 6pm.
  • The University Programming Council is back for this year’s spring concert, featuring Jack Harlow. The concert will take place at the Mullins Center on May 1st, with doors opening at 6:30pm. You can buy tickets here!   

You can find a full list of events taking place on campus on the UMass Events Calendar and on Campus Pulse!

The Communication Department:

  • The department welcomes Charlton Mcllwain to deliver the 2022 annual lecture on Friday, April 22nd at 11:30 am. Stop by to hear this year’s lecture series topic: how to make technology antiracist.
  • Join your peers for the 11th Annual Communication Student Showcase and Awards on Wednesday, April 27th at 5pm. Awards and recognition will be given in all five categories!
  • Join the peer advisors for a de-stress day in the hub! More information to come soon – stay tuned!


  • Want to spend some free time giving back to the community? Join in on the Community Clean-Up Day in Amherst on Saturday, April 30th, at 10am. You can get involved by registering to clean-up, dropping pins where attention is needed, or simply giving suggestions or ideas!
  • Starting on April 23rd, the Amherst Farmers Market is back every Saturday from 7:30am-1:30pm! Join over twenty local vendors for fruit, vegetables, flowers, meat, and handcrafted items in downtown Amherst. 

A full calendar of events happening in Amherst can be found on their website

Taking advantage of the community and events around you are key to having a balanced and successful end to your semester! The last month of school can wrap up fast as finals come closer, but taking some time to enjoy yourself is important too. As always, drop by the Peer Advising office in the ILC room N323 for any questions at all. Our current hours can be found here, or you can make an appointment on Navigate with a professional advisor.

Spring has Sprung!

By Caroline Buck

A couple of people sitting on a bench in front of a house

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Spring is finally here, and campus is starting to get warm! Yes, there are still some chilly days, but for the most part we can start putting our winter coats away. With this shift in the weather, there can now be a shift in study spots and new possibilities for outdoor activities both on and around campus. 

On campus you could have a picnic or watch the sunset on O-Hill. Get a group of friends together and play volleyball on the sand courts. The lawn at the center of campus has multiple Adirondack chairs/tables that could make for relaxing study spots. You could explore the Tropical Greenhouse on campus, where you can soak in the natural sunlight while checking out the koi fish swimming the 4,000 gallon pond. You could spread out a blanket or sit on one of the benches surrounding the campus pond. The campus pond is in between the Integrative Learning Center (ILC) and Fine Arts Center. You could shoot some hoops at the basketball court in Southwest or throw around a frisbee/ball on the field below those courts. The rooftop courtyard in the John W. Olver Design Building has tables and chairs that could make for an awesome study spot. Behind the McGuirk Alumni Stadium there is a walking trail that wraps around almost to the Sortino Softball Field Complex. 

If you are looking for places to go a little way off campus, there are some beautiful hiking trails surrounding campus. You could check out Puffers Pond for a short stroll. For something slightly more challenging you could hike up Skinner Mountain and enjoy the breathtaking views from the Mt. Holyoke Summit House. Sugarloaf Mountain is another good hiking spot about a ten-minute car ride from campus. 

There are a few farms near campus where you can visit the cows and grab some homemade ice cream (Maple Farm & Cook Farm). If you are looking for something more active there is a driving range that also has batting cages a little over ten minutes from campus (Western Mass Family Golf Center). 

Whether you have free time for an outdoor activity or need a place to study, there are so many options to be explored on UMass’s campus! So with the weather starting to taking a turn you should 

Best Places to Study in the Center of Campus

By Emily Costello 

With midterms approaching slowly but surely, it is important for us students to find a study spot where we are both comfortable and can remain focused. Finding a good study spot can create an environment where you can be successful in your studies whether it be group work, doing homework, or studying for exams. 

W.E.B. DuBois Library 

The library is the first place that comes to mind when everyone thinks of study spots. The Procrastination Station on the first floor gives students the opportunity to grab a snack and a drink to help them stay focused. The library also has a large variety of floors to choose from. One of my personal favorites is floor 9, which is a more group-friendly environment with couches and large tables. This floor is great for group work or if you are looking for more of a loud environment. When I am looking for a quiet place to study in the library, I usually go to floor 11, which is a quiet floor with desks surrounding the windows, which adds a nice view. 

Integrative Learning Center 

As a Communication major, I have spent hours upon hours studying in the ILC. When I am looking for a louder space, I like to go to Peet’s Coffee and sit in the couches around there. The Communication Hub on the 3rd floor is also a great place to study, as it is relatively quiet and has great natural light, which I find helps me stay focused. 

Student Union 

The new Student Union is a fantastic place to get work done. I found that since the Student Union is very new, there are a lot of outlets for charging devices, and the furniture is comfortable as well. Earthfoods Cafe makes for a great place to grab a snack or meal while studying too! 

South College 

The place on campus where I have found the best to do quiet, independent work is South College. On the first floor of South College, there is a large open area with tables and chairs and I have always found this to be a place where I can focus easily. On the second floor, there are study desks and rooms which I find to be a productive environment for myself as well. 


As the weather gets warmer, I have found that studying outside can enhance my productivity. During a busy day, it is nice to sit outside either on the steps of the campus center or the Adirondack chairs by the student union. Getting fresh air can help you think clearer, even if it is for a short time! 

Healthy Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

By Bella Burbic

It’s almost the end of February, some of us are finally settling in, and some are still trying to find our groove. Some of us are developing a routine, while some of us are struggling to find one that works. Even for those of us with a solid routine, as the semester progresses it can sometimes be hard to maintain that routine. I have listed out here three relatively easy to adopt, healthy habits that you have heard of, but may have forgotten, in the midst of a busy semester. Adopting these habits can make your days more effective and boost both your mood and your productivity. Whether you have a routine or not, making these changes in your life will have a worthwhile impact in some way. It takes just about 21 days to form a healthy habit that can have a positive effect on your life for the long term.

Get in some type of exercise.

I know, you have probably heard this before, but exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood, give you energy and keep your mind and body healthy. Exercise does not have to mean going to the rec center, it can mean countless things. It can look like deciding to walk to class instead of taking the bus, taking the stairs up to your dorm everyday instead of the elevator, or standing at your desk instead of sitting.. Studies have shown that just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make someone more productive and less tired. If you are looking to develop a workout routine using the rec center, I really recommend signing up for instructor-led fitness classes at the gym. You sign up using imleagues, and all classes are free for UMass undergraduate students. Signing up for classes makes you more likely to follow through with your exercise commitment, and oftentimes push yourself in a way that sometimes working out by yourself is hard to do.

Stay hydrated.

Every part of your mind, body and soul relies on water to operate effectively. Making a solid effort to increase your intake of water will significantly make you less tired and less prone to brain fog. Drinking water also reduces anxiety, prevents headaches, illness, and fatigue. Drinking water also is a great step in the direction of getting in shape as it detoxifies your body and fuels it at the same time. Drinking more water is an easy habit that makes a big difference.

Get some sleep!

As college students, this habit is probably the hardest to maintain. With our social lives, academic studies, clubs, and jobs, it sometimes seems like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, let alone get a good night’s sleep. As most of us know, sleep is the most important factor in terms of mood, ability to focus and physical recovery. Planning out your day in a way that allows you to get to bed at a reasonable time is very important. My biggest advice on this one would be to set a time to unplug completely. This bedtime means no TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter after this set time. This allows your brain to relax without distractions or light from your devices keeping it awake. 

Getting exercise and drinking water have also been linked to much better sleep schedules, so grouping these three habits together will significantly change your life in a positive way without having to do anything drastic. It may seem simple, but I guarantee you, it helps!

Winter Outdoor Adventures!

By Caroline Buck

1,273 Kids Sledding Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

Getting back into the semester groove can be difficult, especially with the cold weather and short days. Despite these factors, fresh air is important for a variety of health benefits. If you are averse to the cold weather, here are some tips and tricks to possibly open your mind to spending some more time outdoors in the winter season, enjoyably! 

Bundle up! I know it seems like a simple concept, but it is typically overlooked. You should ask yourself: are you cold or do you just not have enough layers? The right number of layers can make all the difference in having an enjoyable outdoor experience. Materials such as wool, polyester, and synthetic blends, will keep you warm in the coldest of weather. Make sure to avoid cotton, as it is not good for cold weather since it absorbs moisture and lacks insulation. 

Go for a walk! Take a break from your work to stretch your legs. Walking can brighten your mood and increase your blood flow. Walking may seem like a mundane activity, but it has been known to improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your bones/muscles, improve sleep, increase energy levels, strengthen your immune system, reduce stress, etc. You can enjoy this time by listening to a podcast/music or even bring a friend along. Some close-by hiking locations include Mill River Conservation Area, Amethyst Brook Conservation Area, and Mount Warner Trailhead.

Go sledding! There are plenty of sledding hills spread around the campus, so pick one and go for it. Yes, a sled would be ideal for this situation but if you do not have the means to find a sled you can be creative and make one. Cardboard is a great substitute for a plastic sled.

Snowball fight! Build a snowman! You could get a group of friends together for a good ol’ fashioned snowball fight/snowman building. There is still a decent amount of the winter season left, so you could even find a time while it’s snowing. 

Try skiing or snowboarding! Join the UMass Amherst Ski and Board club for a trip to the mountains. All ages and skill levels are welcome. As a skier myself, I can assure you many people learn to ski and board later in life, so it’s never too late to give it a shot! 

With the cold month of February just beginning, try to keep some of these activities in mind. Keeping your body moving and blood flowing during these dark winter months will improve both your physical and mental health. If you bundle up properly, you may find an activity that makes winter y our new favorite season!

Getting Back Into the Groove of the Semester

by Estela Suarez

Creative office workspace Clipart Image

After six weeks away it can be difficult to get back into the groove of classes and campus life. Everyone deals with this transition differently, but here are a few things that could help you ease back into it all: 

Find a way to track your schedule

Whether it is an old-fashioned pen to paper agenda or using Google calendar, figure out the best way for you to track your schedule. Between classes, extracurriculars, and job schedules, being a college student can be quite hectic. To avoid double booking yourself, make sure to track your commitments through a calendar so you know what to expect each day and when you have open availability. 

Keep track of your syllabi

As a continuation from the last step, you’re going to want to make sure you include all due dates, exam dates, and other important assignments in your calendar. This way you are always on top of your work and can easily see when things are due throughout the week or month. In my opinion, it helps to have all my due dates as well as schedule dates on the same calendar so I can plan my time accordingly. 

Set yourself up for a successful semester

If you know that there are little things that help you succeed in school make sure you complete those tasks! So for me, I like to set alarms and reminders for assignments that are due so that I always meet my deadlines. I also know that I need a good night’s sleep before having a full day of classes so I try not to be up too late the night before. Try to figure out what your best practices are this semester and do your best to stick to them. 

Don’t stop doing activities that make you feel fulfilled

With the hustle and bustle of the start of the semester it can be  hard to keep up with things that we do solely because we enjoy them. Something I have found helpful is putting “me time” into my calendar. This is time that I schedule out of my week to do things that I enjoy and are not school or work related. Some days it’s learning a new recipe, some days it’s ordering take out and not leaving my couch, some days it’s going to the gym, and some days it’s seeing my friends. You can’t pour out of an empty cup, so make sure to not only keep filling your own cup but make it a priority. 

Here at the Communication department we look forward to a bright and successful semester. If you have questions or concerns regarding classes please come into the Peer Advising drop-in hours!

Welcome Back!

By Erin Diacik

Welcome back to campus for the 2022 Spring Semester! After a long, and hopefully relaxing, winter break, classes for the spring resume on Tuesday, January 25th. As we approach another on campus semester, keep reading for some helpful reminders and tricks to start this spring off strong. 

  • The Faculty Senate Rules Committee has approved extending the official add/drop deadline to be a two-week time period instead of one week.This puts the last day to add or drop classes with no record as Monday, February 7th. If you are a full-time student, you must be enrolled in at least 12 credits, so double check your schedule to ensure your status as either a full or part time student. 
  • Take note of the Spring 2022 Academic Calendar. This calendar provides dates for any holidays, including spring recess and important registrar deadlines. Make sure to keep track of these important dates to look back on later. 
  • As per UMass policy, all eligible students and faculty are required to have their Covid-19 vaccine booster prior to the start of the semester. As always, remember to mask up wherever they are required, and take advantage of UMass’s unobserved testing. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns, schedule an appointment with a professional advisor via Navigate, or drop in to the Peer Advising office, located in N323. No appointments are necessary to speak with the Peer Advisors. They are a great resource for quick or last minute registration questions! Their current drop-in hours are listed on the Department of Communication web page

As we begin another semester during a time of uncertainty, make sure to take care of yourself during the cold winter months. While you keep up with your academics, don’t lose track of your mental health. Whether that be starting a daily journal, speaking with a professional, or moving your body, take some time each week to do something for yourself. The Department of Communication wishes you a healthy and successful spring semester!