Healthy Habits for a Healthy Lifestyle

By Bella Burbic

It’s almost the end of February, some of us are finally settling in, and some are still trying to find our groove. Some of us are developing a routine, while some of us are struggling to find one that works. Even for those of us with a solid routine, as the semester progresses it can sometimes be hard to maintain that routine. I have listed out here three relatively easy to adopt, healthy habits that you have heard of, but may have forgotten, in the midst of a busy semester. Adopting these habits can make your days more effective and boost both your mood and your productivity. Whether you have a routine or not, making these changes in your life will have a worthwhile impact in some way. It takes just about 21 days to form a healthy habit that can have a positive effect on your life for the long term.

Get in some type of exercise.

I know, you have probably heard this before, but exercise is one of the best ways to boost your mood, give you energy and keep your mind and body healthy. Exercise does not have to mean going to the rec center, it can mean countless things. It can look like deciding to walk to class instead of taking the bus, taking the stairs up to your dorm everyday instead of the elevator, or standing at your desk instead of sitting.. Studies have shown that just 30 minutes of exercise a day can make someone more productive and less tired. If you are looking to develop a workout routine using the rec center, I really recommend signing up for instructor-led fitness classes at the gym. You sign up using imleagues, and all classes are free for UMass undergraduate students. Signing up for classes makes you more likely to follow through with your exercise commitment, and oftentimes push yourself in a way that sometimes working out by yourself is hard to do.

Stay hydrated.

Every part of your mind, body and soul relies on water to operate effectively. Making a solid effort to increase your intake of water will significantly make you less tired and less prone to brain fog. Drinking water also reduces anxiety, prevents headaches, illness, and fatigue. Drinking water also is a great step in the direction of getting in shape as it detoxifies your body and fuels it at the same time. Drinking more water is an easy habit that makes a big difference.

Get some sleep!

As college students, this habit is probably the hardest to maintain. With our social lives, academic studies, clubs, and jobs, it sometimes seems like there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done, let alone get a good night’s sleep. As most of us know, sleep is the most important factor in terms of mood, ability to focus and physical recovery. Planning out your day in a way that allows you to get to bed at a reasonable time is very important. My biggest advice on this one would be to set a time to unplug completely. This bedtime means no TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter after this set time. This allows your brain to relax without distractions or light from your devices keeping it awake. 

Getting exercise and drinking water have also been linked to much better sleep schedules, so grouping these three habits together will significantly change your life in a positive way without having to do anything drastic. It may seem simple, but I guarantee you, it helps!