Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts


Student Name: Shae Feather

Graduation Year: 2019

Primary Major: Communication

Secondary Major: Journalism


Full-time or part-time? Part-time

Paid or unpaid? Unpaid


What city and state was your internship located in?

My internship was located on the UMass Campus in Amherst, MA.

How did you get to your internship every day?

I took the bus.


What did you do as an intern at this organization?

I essentially worked as a support system to the student organizers, and to the chapter as a whole. I did all the mundane tasks that come with any standard internship, and really just helped out where I could.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

I enjoyed learning about the world of non-profits. Before working with PHENOM, I (unfortunately) had a somewhat negative view of non-profits; I found them to be pointless. Through this internship and the people I had the privilege of interacting with, I was able to squash that view in my mind and open myself up to a new and exciting route of creating social change.

What did you find challenging about your internship?

Though I became open to routes other than journalistic for social change and public awareness, I found that change, no matter the route taken, comes extremely slowly. There was no one thing that I was tasked with doing or that I found specifically challenging, because the work of nonprofits is to take the smallest of baby steps toward change, and I found that to be quite frustrating itself.

What skills did you develop through this internship?

Patience, acceptance, open-mindedness, communication, and persistence.

What advice would you offer to someone who is considering this internship?

Do it! But know that most of the work won’t be assigned; the job will be what you make of it, so make sure that you really want to put in the effort!