
What’s Happening?

A lot goes on at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Peer Advisors want to make sure you stay up-to-date on everything Comm! Follow our Facebook page, join our Peer Advising Facebook group, connect with faculty, staff, students and alumni in our LinkedIn group, and sign up for the Comm Connection newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out!

Comm Club!

Looking for ways to get involved around the Comm Department? Well, look no further! Comm Club is the official club of the Department and is always looking for more members! We host regular Comm Movies Nights and help out the Department whenever we can. Have more ideas for what Comm Club can be? Then stop by the Peer Advising office in room N323, ILC and pick up an application! Otherwise, feel free to simply stop by, check out the Comm Club Facebook page or email to learn more about the club.