UMass President’s Office – UMassOnline


Student Name: Juliette Rice

Graduation Year: 2020

Primary Major: Communication

Minor: Art History and Studio Arts


Internship Title: Marketing Intern

Full-time or part-time? Part-time

Paid or unpaid? Paid


What city and state was your internship located in?

My internship was located in Shrewsbury, MA.

How did you get to your internship every day?

I drove my car to work. It was approximately a 30 minute commute with traffic for me.


What did you do as an intern at this organization?

Auditing of UMassOnline website, updating program information and academic calendars, auditing number of sales leads, promoting online degree and certificate programs and courses for UMass Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, and Lowell, providing academic guidance to prospective students, providing customer service to prospective students, responding to inquiries from prospective students via telephone and online chat system.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

The internship was a great first internship to have. Most of the work I did was very basic but it taught me what to expect in a marketing/customer service career. Most of the work I did was low stakes and my supervisors seemed to greatly appreciate my help and gave a lot of positive feedback, as well as constructive criticism.

What did you find challenging about your internship?

This internship was not through a formal internship program; I was the only intern in the department and I believe the hiring of interns was a fairly new practice, so there wasn’t much structure to the intern position; I often had to ask for help and clarification instead of my supervisors automatically providing it; I had to teach myself and learn from trial and error because I wasn’t given any formal training. I often worked independently instead of with other colleagues or fellow interns, which I sometimes disliked; I enjoy working on teams.

What skills did you develop through this internship?

Communication skills, office/professional workplace etiquette, basic Excel skills, data analysis skills, organizational skills.

What advice would you offer to someone who is considering this internship?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you are confused or stuck; it is better to ask and then complete a task correctly instead of making a guess and finding out you did a task wrong. Be okay with working independently. Practice using Excel on your own!

Student Name: Cynthia Ntinunu

Graduation Year: 2019

Primary Major: Communication

Secondary Major: Journalism


Internship Title: Photo Intern

Full-time or part-time? Part-time

Paid or unpaid? Paid


What city and state was your internship located in?

Boston, MA, but I do the internship in Amherst.

How did you get to your internship every day?

I photograph things on campus, so I just walk to wherever the thing I need to photograph is.


What did you do as an intern at this organization?

I’m given a photo assignment for each week and complete these assignments.

What did you enjoy most about your internship?

Being in places I normally wouldn’t be in. For example, I’ve photographed many labs and that’s not an area of life I’m in because I don’t do science courses. So it was nice to see what they do and be in their space. Or being able to photograph sports. That’s not something that I thought I’d ever photograph. I’ve been able to be on the field where athletes play which is an unreal experience. Or I was able to photograph spring concert and photograph the musical artists up close.

What did you find challenging about your internship?

Sometimes balancing my academics and other responsibilities was a lot. But my supervisor is very chill and let me know if I needed to focus on academics that I could let him know.

What skills did you develop through this internship?

The ability to communicate with any kind of person. I’ve had to be in contact with various departments and professors and faculty to organize times when I could photograph.

What advice would you offer to someone who is considering this internship?

Just apply. It’s such a fun internship and it has allowed me to meet so many great people.